With changes and additions by N 327-N of 19 March 2020
No 1698-N of 2 December 2010
Based on Article 183 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Armenia and point 7 of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On State Labour Inspectorate”, the Government of the Republic of Armenia hereby decides:
1. To approve:
(1) the list of heavy, harmful industries, works, professions and positions, in accordance with Annex No 1;
(2) the list of specifically heavy, specifically harmful industries, works, professions and positions in accordance with Annex No 2.
2. To make the following amendments and supplements to decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 1599-N of 11 August 2005 "On establishing the list of special category employees entitled to an extended annual leave for a period of up to 35 days (in exceptional cases — up to 48 days)”
(1) the title of the Decision shall read as follows:
(2) point 1 of the Decision shall read as follows:
"1. To establish the list of special category employees entitled to an extended annual leave with a duration of 25 working days in case of a five-day working week, and with a duration of 30 working days in case of a six-day working week (in exceptional cases — 35 working days in case of a five-day working week, and 42 working days in case of a six-day working week), according to the Annex."
(3) in the Annex to the Decision:
a. the title shall read as follows:
b. in column 3, the word "calendar" shall be replaced with the word "working", and the figures "35" and "48" with figures "25" and "35", respectively;
c. the Annex shall be supplemented with new points 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 after point 1, which shall read as follows:
"1.1. |
General education institutions implementing basic general, special and specialised programmes working with a five-day work mode |
35 |
instructors (teachers, teacher-mentors), psychologists, resource teachers, military instructors, childcare workers, social care teachers |
1.2. |
Pre-school education institutions working with a five-day work mode |
25 |
pre-school upbringing and teaching staff |
1.3. |
General education institutions implementing basic general, special and specialised programmes working with a six-day work mode |
42 |
instructors (teachers, teacher-mentors) , psychologists, resource teachers, military instructors,childcare workers, social care teachers |
1.4. |
Pre-school education institutions working with a six-day work mode |
30 |
pre-school upbringing and teaching staff". |
d. the words "general education institutions" and "pre-school education institutions" shall be removed from column 2 of point 2, and the words "pre-school upbringing and teaching staff (teachers, childcare workers) shall be removed from column 4 of point 2;
e. the words "general education institutions for additional education of children" shall be removed from column 2 of point 3.
3. To make the following amendments to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 876-N of 16 June 2006 “On establishing the form of the employment record book, the procedure for keeping the employment record book, and for providing the duplicate thereof"":
(1) the Table of Annex No 1 to the Decision shall read as follows:
" |
". |
(2) in point 10 of Annex N 2 to the Decision:
a. sub-point "c" shall read as follows:
“(c) in column 3,
name of the employee, and in case of an individual entrepreneur - name and surname, position held, the work performed;
period of receiving unemployment benefit (to be filled in by the authorised body);
period of performing the works, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, entitle the employee to retire under privileged conditions;
period for being included in the personnel reserve of the state services, which, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts, shall be calculated for the work record (to be filled in by the authorised body);
period of on-site study in secondary vocational and higher education institutions (to be filled in by the employer having hired the person upon graduation from the education institution);
period of compulsory military service (to be filled in by the employer having hired the person after demobilisation);
upon the request of the employee, the ground for rescinding the employment contract, information on the position held and the work performed, the period of employment on concurrent basis, where the employee submits to the employer of the main workplace a document certifying the concurrent work;”;
b. sub-point “d” shall read as follows:
“(d) in column 4 — ground for record: number, date, month, year of adoption of the legal act, and in case of record on on-site education in secondary vocational and higher education institutions and compulsory military service — number, serial number (if any) of the document, the day, month, year of issuance.”.
4. 2. To repeal:
(1) Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 1907-N of 11 December 2003 "On approving the lists of harmful works and professions for health and specifically harmful, specifically heavy works and professions for health”;
(2) Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 2301-N of 6 October 2005 "On approving the procedure for submitting an annual report to the State Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Armenia by the employees”;
(3) Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 875-N of 16 June 2006 "On establishing the procedure for registration of employment contract, form of the register, the procedure for keeping and maintaining thereof and on repealing Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 2034-N of 13 December 2002”.
5. This Decision shall enter into force on the tenth day following its official promulgation.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia |
T. Sargsyan |
20 December 2010 Yerevan |
Annex No 1 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 1698-N of 2 December 2010 |
I. Agriculture
I. Plant breeding |
1. Employees conducting research and observations on land parcels treated with toxins |
2. Employees conducting expert examination of the residual quantity of toxins in agricultural products |
3. Employees conducting expert examination of nitrates and other elements in agricultural products |
4. Staff conducting testing of chemical and biological plant protection products on agricultural crops for scientific purposes |
5. Staff storing and selling chemical and biological plant protection products (toxins) |
II. Veterinary |
1. Veterinary specialists and maintenance employees conducting anti-epidemic measures for agricultural animals |
III. Transport |
1. Agronomists, plant protection specialists and auxiliary employees involved in mechanised fight activities |
IV. Food and processing |
1. Compressor units operators when working with harmful substances of at least 3rd hazard category |
2. Process compressor operators occupied with maintenance of gas compressors (except air compressors) |
3. Refrigeration units operators servicing ammonia refrigeration units |
4. Sausages, cheese smokers |
5. Workers of separation workshop in sugar production |
6. Tobacco leaf stirrers and fermentation sorting workers |
7. Employees of cigar drying chamber in cigar roll factory |
8. Employees collecting, processing and transporting shredded tobacco and other employees constantly working in the same workshop |
9. Workers occupied with loading and unloading of fish smoking chambers |
10. Fish smokers and other employees servicing smoking chambers |
11. Hammer crushing and flourmill workers |
12. Workers shaking, cleaning, sorting, receiving and packing bags of pepper, mustard, tobacco chemicals and flour |
13. Workers making solutions of table salt, soda salts, sodium nitrite and other inorganic substances |
14. Employees occupied with cleaning, repair, setup of technological equipment and vehicles of drying-cleaning towers and mechanised warehouses of mills, grain, concentrated feed, and elevators |
15. Permanent employees occupied with loading and unloading of wheat flour, grain, concentrated feed and other similar stuff |
I. Employees conducting analytical laboratory research |
Employees of the Laboratory Research Division of the Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia |
1. Head of the Department for Laboratory Researches |
2. Chief Specialist |
3. Leading Specialist |
4. First class specialist |
II. Employees of laboratories of ArmEcoMonitoring system |
Employees of the Yerevan Central Laboratory of Atmospheric Air |
1. Head of the laboratory |
2. Chief specialist |
3. Senior technician |
4. Technician |
Employees of the Yerevan Central Laboratory of Surface Waters |
5. Head of the laboratory |
6. First class specialist |
7. Senior technician |
Employees of the Yerevan Laboratory of Physical and Chemical methods |
8. Head of the laboratory |
9. Equipment expert |
Employees of the Vanadzor Complex Laboratory |
10. Head of the laboratory |
11. Leading specialist |
12. First class specialist |
13. Senior technician |
Employees of the Laboratory Group of Hrazdan Atmospheric Air |
14. Team leader |
Employees of the Laboratory Group of Alaverdi Atmospheric Air |
15. Team leader |
16. Senior technician |
Employee of the Laboratory Group of Ararat Atmospheric Air |
17. Team leader |
III. Leather carving employees |
Employees of the State Museum of Nature |
1. Leather carving expert |
2. Fund keeper |
3. Scientific worker |
III. Transport and communications
I. Railway transport and subway |
1. Preparation of chemical reactive solutions and manual loaders |
2. Regulation of the speed of movement of wagons by braking with the help of brake spiders, assembly and approach of brake spiders to braking positions, adjustment of wagons for adhesion in sorting tracks (lines), disconnection and connection of wagons with brake spiders and hand brakes at railway stations (except for sorting stations) |
3. Maintenance works carried out by cargo train operators for pick-up trains, clean-up trains, through-running trains and service trains at intermediate stations, performing shunting work on train maintenance, isolating and strengthening the train with the help of brake spiders and hand brakes |
4. Repair and assembly of boilers |
5. Control of self-propelled shock-missile machines, railway cranes powered by self-propelled steam and diesel engines, machines for collecting waste on lines and ground snow masses used for line repair works |
6. Control of stationary and mobile installations with steam-diesel engines |
7. Current repair and maintenance of railway tracks and artificial structures in tunnels and collapsing sections |
8. Repair and lining — during hot wash — of furnaces of steam locomotive boilers in hot condition |
9. Caulking and cleaning of flame and heat pipes of steam locomotive boilers |
10. Washing and cleaning of steam locomotive boilers |
11. Repair of a hot steam locomotive fittings |
12. Works performed by using electropneumatic tools |
13. Repair and current maintenance of railway tracks in metallurgical, coke chemical, agglomeration workshop, hot rocks, slag heaps |
14. Works by using cross-ties and beams enriched with anti-rot substances, anti-rot substances |
15. Filling of locomotives and wagons with solid and liquid fuel, water, ice salt and sand |
16. Cleaning, washing and wiping the rolling stock, products, parts and connections from dirt, rust, oxides, old paint, etc. by manual, mechanised and chemical means, as well as using kerosene, gasoline, acetone, caustic soda and other solvents |
17. Repair and maintenance of railway wagons directly on the railway tracks of railway stations, at the points of technical maintenance of wagons, preparation of wagons for lifting |
18. Repair and maintenance of hot equipment in the engine room of diesel locomotives and diesel compartment of diesel train motor wagons |
19. Repair and maintenance of running gear of locomotives, diesel trains and electric trains during technical maintenance |
20. Repair and maintenance of ammonia and chlorine cooling devices, as well as cleaning and repair of refrigeration sections of diesel locomotives performing welding works |
21. Rheostatic testing of diesel locomotives |
22. Repair and maintenance of diesel engines of refrigerating wagons of rolling stock directly in wagons |
23. Preparation of antistatic agents and toxic chemicals |
24. Preparation of solutions for cooling diesel locomotive engines |
25. Emptying of acids, alkalis, anti-rot substances, oil, fuel oil, liquid toxic chemicals and other toxic substances |
26. Permanent works on open (above-ground) sites, subway train sheds only at night-time |
27. Permanent works in tunnels and other underground structures of subway |
28. Control of signals and crosspiece arrows from mechanically centralised point |
29. Works performed by train compilers for the assembly and disassembly of groups of railway stock and wagons, connection of wagons to trains and their disconnection from trains, transfer of wagons for loading and unloading and their assembly on other specialised lines, works on the transportation of rolling stock and wagons from park to park and from one station to another |
30. Repair of oil and air filters of wagons and locomotives |
31. Repair and maintenance works of traction substations, contact network, high-voltage power transmission wires, SCB feeding devices in train traffic conditions |
32. Repair and current maintenance of the railway line, artificial structures, SCB and communication equipment in the course of regulated breaks (occupations) of trains traffic |
33. Technical equipment repair and operation works in quarries (sections), ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, coal (shale) and cement industries, mining and chemical enterprises, asbestos and graphite mining |
34. Rail travel loaders, crane operators and assistant operators |
35. Bulldozer and tractor drivers |
36. Tow truck drivers |
37. Mobile power plant operators |
38. Tug operator |
39. Gas welders |
40. Steam locomotives, electric locomotives, diesel locomotives, electric trains, diesel trains operation and instruction works |
Automobile transport |
41. Works on manual fixing of the body and other parts of automobiles by using grindstone and gas welding equipment |
42. Works on repairing automobiles transporting foulness, rotting garbage, corpses |
43. Repair of fuel equipment of automobiles operated with lead gasoline |
44. Repair works of automobiles operated in technological processes of mining and metallurgical organisations, coal, shale, chemical industry of construction materials |
45. Cleaning, washing and wiping the rolling stock, products, parts and connections from dirt, rust, oxides, old paint, etc. by manual, mechanised and chemical means, as well as using kerosene, gasoline, acetone, caustic soda and other solvents |
46. Refuelling with lead gasoline at non-remote gas stations at automobile companies |
47. Battery assembler |
48. Vulcanisation operator |
Road management |
49. Dry grinding of crumbled construction materials |
50. Supply of powdered substances to transport mechanisms |
51. Asphalt concrete worker occupied with the preparation of asphalt and bitumen |
52. Asphalt concrete worker occupied with laying asphalt pavement and transporting asphalt mass |
53. Driller |
54. Exploder |
55. Truck crane operator |
56. Bitumen spraying machine operator |
57. Engine-driven compressor operator |
58. Concrete mixer operator |
59. Excavator operator |
60. Pumping station operator |
II. Loading and unloading operations, including: |
1. Agglomerate in cold condition |
2. Chlorine aluminium /without packaging / |
3. Alpha-naphthylamine |
4. Aniline and aniline salt |
5. Anti-rot paste |
6. Anthracene |
7. Construction plaster |
8. Apatite - nepheline concentrate |
9. Phthalic anhydride |
10. Gas cylinder /hydrogen, chloromethyl, acetylene, ammonia, anhydride, liquid air, liquid oxygen/ |
11. Barium and its compounds |
12. Lead gasoline |
13. Benzene, toluene, xylene, complex alcohols |
14. Bitumen |
15. Mineral glass, slag cotton and products made therefrom |
16. Explosives and explosive devices |
17. Compressed gas butane, propane |
18. Hexachlorane and DDT in paper packaging |
19. Granozan |
20. Ground graphite, graphite in pieces, folded in pieces |
21. Incineration /waste of casting production facility/ |
22. Dextrin |
23. Diatomite |
24. Dinitrobenzene, dinitrochlorobenzene and paranitrochlorobenzene |
25. Dichloroethane in glass containers |
26. Wheat loadable /without containers/ in closed buildings |
27. Ashes |
28. Extinct lime |
29. Non-extinct lime minced and in shards |
30. Chloride lime |
31. Products made of asbestos, coal, refractory materials and abrasives without packaging |
32. Metallic potassium and sodium |
33. Calcium chloride in moulding, loadable and unloadable |
34. Calcium carbide, calcium cyanamide |
35. Carburettors |
36. Rubber substance |
37. Sediment in strainer |
38. Acids in glass containers, as well as loadable and unloadable |
39. Tempered semi-finished products of cement production |
40. Salted semi-finished products from the leather and intestines |
41. Coke and coke grit |
42. Kalashnikov powder loadable |
43. Sulfur stone |
44. Bone - raw and ground - piled and in bags |
45. Cresol - loadable and unloadable |
46. Organo-quartz compounds |
47. Copperas /iron, copper, zinc/ |
48. Bird droppings |
49. Ice |
50. Magnesite |
51. Essential oil, sea lion oil |
52. Chalk in a pile |
53. Mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, potash, phosphorus) in a pile and paper containers |
54. Arsenic and its compounds, arsenic cinders |
55. Meat and meat products, refrigerated in refrigerators, sea meat and animal meat, whole |
56. Sodium fluoride in plywood drums |
57. Naphthalene in briquettes and bags |
58. Unsweetened alcohol in glass containers |
59. Non-metallic minerals: asbestos, quartz, plaster |
60. Oil and petroleum products /loadable and unloadable/ |
61. Sodium nitrate in bags |
62. Мontane wax /ozokerit/, loadable or in bags |
63. Oxides of non-ferrous metals, loadable or in bags |
64. Organic compounds of mercury, lead and salts thereof |
65. Flour and grain production waste, feed-stuff, loadable |
66. Oakum, loadable or bound |
67. Products and mines generating hydrogen sulphide and other gases |
68. Special chemical products |
69. Radioactive substances and raw material for them |
70. Fish and seafood, salted and frozen, in boxes, coffers, bags, fish meal and fish oil, loadable or unloadable |
71. Lead burn, paste, lead oxidе |
72. Sulphur |
73. Silicate block |
74. Bluing |
75. Ice and salt mixes |
76. Caustic soda, calcined and lake |
77. Manganese, chromium and food salt |
78. Fiberglass |
79. Metal dust and sawdust, piled up |
80. Sulphuric acid |
81. Dry and battered paints containing toxic substances without hermetic packaging |
82. Tobacco - unpacked, tobacco powder in piles or bags |
83. Talc, loadable |
84. Container for toxic substances |
85. Technical carbon /soot/ |
86. Toluidine |
87. Coal, hot shale and inert dust |
88. Rubber vulcanisation accelerators /captax, altax, tiuran/ in plywood drums or wooden boxes |
89. Metal and secondary waste |
90. Faeces, rotting and dust generating waste and animal carcasses |
91. Phenol in glass containers, as well as loadable and unloadable |
92. Flux /limestone, dolomite/ of the main production of ferrous metallurgy |
93. Flux for zinc and lead production |
94. Phosphorus in barrels |
95. Milling peat in closed buildings |
96. Chloroform in glass containers |
97. Chlorox in glass containers |
98. Cement, loadable or in bags |
99. Ground refractory clay |
100. Sludges, slags emitting dusty and suffocating gases and steams |
101. Logs, columns and other wooden items impregnated with anti-rot substances |
102. Base, loadable and unloadable, basic elements in glass containers |
103. Carbon electrodes unpacked |
104. Ethyl liquid |
105. Toxic chemicals not included in this Annex |
III. Communication |
1. Assembly, repair and operational and technical maintenance of radio masts (radio towers) and antenna feed installations |
2. High-altitude climbing operational and technical maintenance and repair works of overhead lines of communication and installation of a radio |
3. Permanent works in underground communication facilities |
4. Welding of cables with lead, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride films |
5. Maintenance of sewage communication facilities |
6. Operational and technical maintenance of transmitting installations operating within a wave range of one cm to ten meters inclusive in a frequency range of 30 MHz to 30,000 GHz inclusive |
7. Charging of acid and alkaline batteries (accumulators) |
8. Impregnation of wood with anti-rot substances and works on installation of columns, transoms and cross-head clamp impregnated with anti-rot substances |
9. Works on maintenance of television transmission facilities, powerful radio and television transmitters, equipment of private television companies, accident prevention, antenna mast and energy services |
10. Works on repair, maintenance, operation and management of central radio relay lines |
11. Works on maintenance and operation of the main radio relay station |
12. Works on maintenance, operation and management of the production laboratory of radio relay lines |
13. Works on maintenance and operation of elevators of the TV tower of radio and television transmission centre (H=308 m) |
14. Works on maintenance, operation and management of radio relay station and stations with one satellite reception |
IV. Energy
I. Energy |
1. Maintenance of electricity generating equipment and automation in boiler house, turbine, boiler-and-turbine workshops (sites) of thermal power plants, oil industry facilities for fuel supply |
2. Manual preparation and filling of chemical reagents, managing the process of chemical purification and desalination of water for the supply of heating networks and steams of boilers, restoration of filters with acids, salts and alkalis, preparation and dosing of chlorinated lime solution, chlorination of water in fountain pools and cooling systems |
3. Maintenance of measuring, monitoring and control systems equipment (automatic devices, regulators, technological protection, blocking, signalling devices, etc.) in boiler house, turbine, boiler-and-turbine, fuel supply workshops (sites) |
4. Oil intake and re-injection in thermal power plants |
5. Transformation in thermal circuits by tours in boiler house, turbine, boiler-and-turbine workshops (sites), control of the operating equipment |
6. Operation of bridge crane in boiler house, turbine, boiler-and-turbine workshops (sites) |
7. Cleaning of boilers in cold condition |
8. Brick setting of boilers in hot condition |
9. Maintenance of floors and platforms in boiler house, turbine, boiler-and-turbine, fuel supply workshops (sites), cleaning of external surfaces of equipment |
10. Maintenance of underground heat conductors, structures of heating networks and thermal entrances |
11. Maintenance and repair of equipment of diesel and locomobile power plants installed in closed constructions |
12. Repair of heat pipelines and structures of heating networks |
13. Maintenance and repair of equipment installed in the body of underground hydroelectric power plants and dams |
14. Thermal insulation facing of boilers and heat pipelines in thermal power plants and heating networks |
15. Repair of devices operating for electric power, automation, measuring devices, relay protection and automation equipment in boiler house, turbine, boiler-and-turbine, fuel supply workshops (sites), oil industry facilities, tunnels and heat-and-power supply chambers |
16. Testing of power plants, electric networks and open switchgears, electrical appliances of 220 kV voltage and above and measuring the parameters |
17. Maintenance and repair of overhead lines without removing voltage in non-conductor parts |
18. Timber preservation works |
19. Maintenance of heat network, boiler devices in boiler house, turbine, boiler-and-turbine workshops (sites) |
20. Repair of mercury devices |
21. Welding of cable lead wires, cable lead connectors and membranes, repair of air (oil, gas) switches, oil transformers |
22. High-altitude climbing works in the course of repair of equipment of overhead lines and power sub-stations |
II. Nuclear energy |
1. Maintenance of electricity generating equipment and automation in workshops (sites) of boiler house of nuclear power plants, turbine (turbines operating with non-radioactive steam), oil industry |
2. Manual preparation and filling of chemical reagents, feeding the circuit of nuclear power plants, managing the process of chemical purification and desalination of water for the supply of boilers, heating networks and steamers, restoration of filters with acids, salts and alkalis, preparation and dosing of chlorinated lime solution, chlorination of water in fountain pools and cooling systems |
3. Maintenance of measuring, monitoring and control systems equipment (automatic devices, regulators, technological protection devices, blockings, signalling systems, etc.) of boiler house, turbine (operating with non-radioactive steam), fuel supply workshops (sites) |
4. Oil intake and re-injection in nuclear power plants |
5. Transformation in thermal circuits by tours in boiler house, turbine (operating with non-radioactive steams) workshops (sites), control of the operating equipment |
6. Operation of bridge crane in boiler house, turbine (operating with non-radioactive steams) workshops (sites) |
7. Cleaning of boilers in cold condition |
8. Brick setting of boilers in hot condition |
9. Maintenance of underground heat conductors, structures of heating networks and thermal entrances in nuclear power plants |
10. Maintenance and repair of diesel and locomobile power plants installed in closed constructions |
11. Repair of heat pipelines and structures of heating networks in nuclear power plants |
12. Thermal insulation facing of boilers and heat pipelines in heat networks of nuclear power plants |
13. Repair and setting of electricity generating equipment, automation, measuring devices, relay protection and automation operating in boiler house, turbine workshops (sites), oil industry facilities, tunnels and heat-and-power supply chambers of nuclear power plants |
14. Testing of electrical appliances of nuclear power plants (turbine operating with non-radioactive steam), electric networks of 220 kV voltage and above and open switchgears, and measuring the parameters |
15. Maintenance and repair of overhead lines without removing voltage in non-conductor parts |
16. Timber preservation works |
17. High-altitude climbing works in the course of repair of equipment of overhead lines and power sub-stations |
18. Cleaning, construction and repair works in turbine workshops (sites) of nuclear power plants |
III. Employees of the Geological Analytical Laboratory |
Employees of the "ANALITIK" laboratory |
1. X-ray and X-ray diffraction analyses engineer |
2. Chemical substances preparation and dissolution engineer |
3. Chemical substances preparation and dissolution laboratory technician |
4. Chemical substances preparation and decomposition technician |
5. Atomic absorption photometers engineer, laboratory technician |
6. Atomic absorption photometers laboratory technician |
7. Sample crushing and grinding laboratory technician |
8. Sample crushing and grinding technician |
9. Engineer of melting samples of analyses for determination of fineness |
10. Laboratory technician of melting samples of analyses for determination of fineness |
11. Capilation and glow engineer |
12. Capilation and glow chemist-laboratory technician |
13. Precious metals dissolution engineer |
14. Precious metals dissolution chemist-laboratory technician |
15. Laboratory technician for segregation of minerals in heavy solutions |
IV. Geology employees |
Open mineral works and surface works |
1. Workers |
Work on open ore deposits, open-pit mines, mines, hydraulics, floating mines, washers on the surface of mineshafts, ore deposits and drainage wells |
Works on industrial areas of construction mineshafts, ore deposits, open ore deposits, open-pit mines, mines, floating mines, subways, underground channels of tunnels and other underground structures. Mining works on land recultivation, drilling of technical wells, underground fires, preventing and extinguishing fires in terricone and stripping dumps |
Miners of all titles occupied with the selection of samples and retrieval of explosives at production sites, as well as in mine surveyor and geological works |
2. Digging face workers |
3. Diggers occupied with stripping and cleaning works |
4. Timber man |
Drilling rigs operators |
5. Drilling rigs operators of full cross-section drilled wells of mineshafts |
6. Installers of mineral equipment |
7. Mining drills setup personnel |
8. Washers of geological test samples |
9. Shaftmen in super-structure works |
of hydraulics and washers of open ore deposits, open-pit mines, ore deposits, mineshafts, ore deposits, open ore deposits, open mining administrations, open-pit mines, floating mines, subways, tunnels, underground channels and other underground structures, industrial facilities of mineshafts construction |
Works on surfaces of open ore deposits, open-pit mines, mineshafts and ore deposits |
10. Geologists, regional geologists |
11. Geophysicists |
12. Hydrogeologists, regional hydrogeologists |
13. Chief geologists |
14. Chief engineers and their deputies /assistants/ |
15. Chief mine surveyors and their deputies |
16. Chief mechanical engineers, their deputies /assistants/ |
17. Chief electricians, their deputies /assistants/ |
18. Chief specialists in energetics, their deputies /assistants/ |
19. Directors /heads/, their deputies /assistants/ responsible for production, construction /in open ore deposits, open-pit mines/ |
20. Engineers engaged in shifts in production facilities |
21. Mining engineers /leading, 1-2 class, with no class/ performing works in underground conditions |
22. Mine surveyors, site mine surveyors |
23. Drill foremen |
24. Drill site foremen /senior foremen/ |
25. Mining foremen |
26. Drilling rigs operators |
V. General works |
1. Electric welding, manual welding, gas welding, gas cutting works on automatic and semi-automatic machines |
2. Isolation of surfaces with fiberglass, cindering, asbestos, asphalt paste, bitumen paste, perchlorvinyl and bakelite materials |
3. Works using acid-resistant vinyl plastic and rubber coating, as well as raw faolite and asbovinyl |
4. Fastening of structures and parts using a fastening gun |
5. Indoor painting works with nitro paints and benzene, toluene complex alcohols and other harmful chemicals, as well as the preparation of components of these paints |
6. Fire-resistant coating of metal structures through guns and cast using vinyl acetate, ammonium, polyphosphate and other harmful chemicals |
7. Anti-corrosion coating of metal structures with materials containing epoxy, phenolformaldehyde and other harmful chemical components |
8. Maintenance and repair of acid accumulators |
9. Stamp forging works of hot processing of metals, as well as works on hot metal supply to presses, hammers, bending and horizontal forging machines in mass production workshops |
10. Chlorination and ozonation, emergency restoration works of water supply and drainage systems located at a depth of more than three metres |
11. Technical inspection and tour of water-sewage networks and constructions located thereon |
12. Removal of sediments on sewage constructions |
13. Manual plaster mortar coating and surface lubrication |
V. Mining industry
Extraction of useful minerals |
Underground works of extraction of useful minerals in mineshafts, ore deposits and mines and in construction thereof, including |
1. Managers of mine administrations equivalent to mineshafts, ore deposits and mines |
2. Chief architects |
3. Chief mechanical engineers |
4. Chief specialists in energetics |
5. Directors, heads |
6. Workers, managers, specialists and staff who are occupied in underground works for 50% or more of the annual working time /during the calculation period/ |
7. Geologists |
8. Chief geologists |
9. Chief engineers of minshafts and construction departments and departments equivalent thereto, their deputies /assistants/ responsible for production, underground construction and safety equipment |
10. In-mineshafts /mineshafts/ traffic controllers |
11. Mine dispatchers |
12. Managers of mining operations |
13. Managers of underground warehouses of explosives |
14. Deputy chief engineers /assistants/ |
15. Deputies /assistants/ of directors /heads/ of mineshafts, ore deposits and mine administrations with the right of mines, responsible for production |
16. Deputies /assistants/ of chief mechanical engineers, chief specialists in energetics |
17. Mining and technical site inspectors in mineshafts, ore deposits and mines /underground works/ |
18. Mine surveyors |
19. Mechanical engineers /chief mechanical engineers, shift mechanical engineers/ |
20. Heads of departments of mineshafts and construction and departments equivalent thereto, their deputies /assistants/ responsible for production and underground construction |
21. Mining regulators |
22. Technical managers, their deputies /assistants/ |
23. Electricians /senior electricians/ |
24. Electromechanical engineers /chief electromechanical engineers/ |
25. Managers and specialists of departments, expeditions, offices and other organisations and their branches, which perform works in underground conditions, who are occupied in underground works for 50% or more of the annual working time / during the calculation period/ |
26. Chief engineers, their deputies /assistants/ responsible for production |
27. Chief mine surveyors, their deputies |
28. Chief mechanical engineers, their deputies |
29. Chief specialists in energetics, their deputies |
of departments /expeditions, offices and branches of organisations/, including |
30. Heads of departments /expeditions, office and branches of organisations/, responsible for production |
31. Regulators of mining site |
32. Electric mechanical engineers |
33. Electricians |
34. All employees engaged in supporting the above-mentioned workers and officers /medical staff of underground medical centre, underground telephone communication staff, etc./ in underground conditions during the full working day |
Underground works on construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and capital renovation of mine openings, subways, underground channels, tunnels and other underground structures, including: |
35. Electrical locksmiths /locksmiths/ on duty and maintaining the equipment |
36. Chief engineers, their deputies responsible for production, underground construction, safety equipment |
37. Chief mine surveyors, their deputies |
38. Mine surveyors of all titles |
39. Heads of departments, their deputies responsible for underground construction of production |
40. Heads of mineshafts, their deputies /assistants/ |
41. Mining regulators |
42. Underground sites technicians |
43. Technical managers, their deputies /assistants/ |
44. Underground site electric mechanical engineers, their deputies /assistants/ |
45. Sample collectors - managers and specialists /commanding personnel/ in mineshafts /ore deposits/ |
46. Mine rescue squad commanders, their deputies /assistants/ |
47. Headquarters commanders, their deputies /assistants/ |
VI. Chemical production
I |
Chlorine production |
1. Head of the workshop |
2. Technologist |
3. Duty foreman |
4. Workshop foreman |
5. Kilning unit operator |
6. Crane operator |
7. Operator of raw material preparation, semi-finished products and product releasing unit |
8. Compression units operator |
9. Operator of preparation of chemical solutions |
Employees of caustic soda production and brine preparation workshop |
10. Head of the workshop |
11. Deputy head of the workshop |
12. Compression units operator |
13. Operator of raw material preparation, semi-finished products and product releasing unit |
14. Cleaning worker |
15. Steaming unit operator |
16. Centrifugation unit operator |
17. Cooling unit operator |
18. Neutralisation unit operator |
19. Operator of preparation of chemical solutions |
20. Cleaning worker |
Employees of domestic salt electrolysis workshop for the production of chlorine |
21. Head of the workshop |
22. Deputy head of the workshop responsible for technical equipment |
23. Head of the administrative site of electrolysis electric gas dehumidification and acid |
24. Bathtub assembly site foreman |
25. Duty foreman |
26. Remote control operator |
27. Electrolysis unit operator |
28. Compression units operator |
29. Chlorine gas dehumidification unit operator |
30. Pumping installation operator |
31. Locksmith-repairman |
Employees of brine extraction, transportation, treatment and preparation workshop |
32. Technologist |
33. Equipment repair foreman |
34. Electric gas welder |
35. Shift foreman |
36. Carbonisation unit operator |
37. Remote control operator |
38. Settlement unit operator |
39. Locksmith-repairman |
Employees of hydrochloric acid production workshop |
40. Head of the workshop |
41. Deputy head of the workshop |
42. Shift foreman |
43. Synthesis unit operator |
Employees of chlorine liquefaction, hypochlorite production and chlorine dehumidification workshop |
44. Head of the workshop |
45. Head of liquid chlorine production unit |
46. Shift foreman |
47. Compression units operator |
48. Head of hypochloride unit |
49. Absorption unit operator |
50. Gas dehumidification unit operator |
Employees of mechanical, energy meter, testing equipment and automation services |
51. Heads of services |
52. Repairing foreman |
53. Locksmiths |
54. Electric gas welder |
Employees of chlorine production laboratory |
55. Head of the laboratory |
56. Senior chemist |
57. Chemists |
58. Shift chemist |
59. Chemical analysis laboratory technician |
Employees of solid and liquid waste utilisation and industrial wastewater treatment workshop |
60. Head of the workshop |
61. Technologist |
62. Shift foreman |
63. Combustion unit operator |
64. Absorption unit operator |
65. Gas treatment unit operator |
66. Locksmith-repairman |
67. Electric gas welder |
Employees of chloroprene production laboratory |
68. Head of the laboratory |
69. Senior chemist |
70. Chemists |
71. Shift chemist |
72. Chemical analysis laboratory technician |
Employees of air distribution, technical water cooling and nitrogen compression site |
73. Air distribution unit operator |
74. Gasometric machines operator |
75. Pumping installation operator |
Employees of oxygen cylinders repair and filling site |
76. Site foreman |
77. Cylinder filler |
78. Locksmith-repairman / for cylinders/ |
79. Locksmiths for all the services of oxygen workshop |
Employees of clean nitrogen production site |
80. Air distribution unit operator |
81. Gasometric machines operator |
Employees of oxygen workshop laboratory |
82. Head of the laboratory |
83. Chemist |
84. Chemical analysis laboratory technician |
Employees of methane pyrolysis workshop |
85. Head of the workshop |
86. Deputy head of the workshop |
87. Shift foreman |
88. Pyrolysis unit operator |
89. Head of the site |
90. Compression units operator |
91. Pumping installation operator |
Employees of pyrolysis segregation workshop |
92. Head of the workshop |
93. Deputy head of the workshop |
94. Shift foreman |
95. Gas segregation unit operator |
96. Gas pumping machines operator |
97. Site foreman |
98. Distillation unit operator |
Employees of mechanical, energy meter, testing equipment and automation services for acetylene production |
99. Heads of services |
100. Repairing foreman |
101. Locksmith-repairmen |
102. Electric welder |
Employees of acetylene production laboratory |
103. Head of the laboratory |
104. Senior chemist |
105. Shift chemist |
106. Chemical analysis laboratory technician |
Employees of mechanical, energy meter, testing equipment and automation services of production of rubber technical items |
107. Heads of services |
108. Locksmith-repairmen |
109. Electric gas welders |
110. Repairing foremen |
Employees of rubber technical items production laboratory |
111. Production engineer |
112. Senior laboratory technician |
113. Mill operator |
114. Compression operator - vulcaniser |
115. Recycler of rubber items |
Employees of mechanical, energy meter, testing equipment and automation services of the production of rubber technical items |
116. Mechanical engineer |
117. Repairing foreman |
118. Locksmith-electrician |
Employees of rubber mixtures preparation workshop |
119. Head of the workshop |
120. Deputy head of the workshop |
121. Head of the site |
Employees of composite materials and adhesives production site |
122. Head of the workshop |
123. Deputy head of the workshop |
Acetic acid production workshop and employees of the air, nitrogen condensation, waste incineration and water preparation site |
124. Head of the workshop |
125. Shift foreman |
126. Oxidation unit operator |
127. Distillation unit operator |
128. Crystallization unit operator |
129. Head of the site |
130. Combustion unit operator |
131. Pumping installation operator |
Acetic acid production services and employees of the laboratory |
132. Heads of services |
133. Locksmith-repairman |
134. Electric gas welder |
135. Head of the laboratory |
136. Senior chemist |
137. Chemical analysis laboratory technician |
Employees of the workshop for the storage and delivery of soft waters, raw materials, finished products |
138. Head of the site |
139. Shift foreman |
140. Regeneration unit operator |
141. Operator of chemical treatment of waters |
142. Repairman-locksmith |
143. Operator of raw material preparation, semi-finished products and product releasing unit |
144. Pumping installation operator |
145. Senior chemist |
146. Chemist |
147. Shift chemist |
148. Chemical analysis laboratory technician |
Employees of rubber production laboratory |
149. Head of the laboratory, senior chemist |
150. Chemist |
151. Shift chemist |
152. Chemical analysis laboratory technician |
153. Chemical analysis laboratory technician – mill operator |
Employees of wastewater treatment, waste utilisation, calcium chloride preparation and ethynol varnish distillation workshop |
154. Head of the workshop |
155. Deputy head of the workshop |
156. Mechanic |
157. Shift foreman |
158. Locksmith-repairman |
159. Liquid treatment unit operator |
160. Coagulation unit operator |
161. Chemical solutions preparation unit operator-treatment worker |
162. Head of the site |
163. Wastewater treatment unit operator |
164. Lime extinction unit operator |
165. Gas deflation machines operator |
166. Electric gas welder |
Refrigeration workshop employees |
167. Head of the workshop |
168. Mechanic of the workshop, deputy head |
169. Senior foreman of measuring and testing equipment and automation |
170. Foreman of measuring and testing equipment and automation |
171. Shift foreman |
172. Locksmith-repairman |
173. Electric gas welder |
174. Locksmith of measuring and testing equipment and automation |
175. Refrigeration unit operator |
176. Compression unit operator |
177. Head of the site |
178. Repairing foreman |
Employees of mechanical repair workshop |
179. Sharpening worker |
180. Locksmith-repairman |
181. Electric gas welder |
182. Blacksmith |
183. Foremen |
184. Rigger |
185. Sheet metal worker |
186. Head of the laboratory |
187. X-ray-defectoscopy inspector |
Employees of anti-corrosion site |
188. Rubber coater - vulcaniser |
189. Brick-layer - acid-resistance staff |
190. Locksmith-repairman |
191. Site foreman |
Employees of water supply, heating supply, sewage and “Blue Lake” complex maintenance workshop |
192. Locksmith-repairman |
Employees of electrical appliances repair workshop |
193. Locksmith-electrician repairing electrical appliances |
194. Electrician repairing /wrapping and isolating/ electric machines |
195. Electrical machines maintenance electrician |
Employees of power supply, intra-workshop cable network and high-voltage electrical appliances current repair workshop |
196. Shift foreman |
197. Site foreman |
198. Electrical appliances maintenance electrician |
199. Cableman-welder |
200. Electrical appliances maintenance and repair electrician |
201. Lead welder |
202. Battery technician |
Communication hub employees |
203. Cable man |
204. Line equipment electrician |
205. Lead cable welder |
206. Automated and telephone station maintenance and repair electrician |
207. Battery technician |
Employees of construction repair workshop |
208. Stove-maker |
209. Thermal insulation operator |
210. Roofer |
211. Concrete worker |
212. Constructor-painter |
213. Painter working with nitro paints |
214. Carpenter |
215. Waller |
216. Plasterer |
217. Constructor-carpenter |
218. Locksmith-constructor |
219. Lining and acid tolerance operator |
220. Measuring and testing equipment and automation workshop |
221. Measuring and testing equipment and automation locksmith |
222. Electric gas welder |
Motor transport workshop employees |
223. Coppersmith |
224. Electric gas welder |
225. Locksmith-assembler |
226. Electrical appliances locksmith |
Employees of raw material and finished product preservation and release site |
227. Raw material preparation and semi-finished product, product transportation operator |
228. Locksmith-repairman |
229. Electric gas welder |
Employees of administrative site |
230. Kiln worker |
231. Shoe maker of occupational footwear |
232. Environment improvement worker |
Consumer service employees |
233. Degreasing unit operator |
234. Laundry and outwear washer |
Militarized gas rescue detachment |
235. Detachment commander |
236. Post commander |
237. Squad commander |
238. Fighters |
239. Mechanic-electrician |
Medical unit employees |
240. Doctor - laboratory technician |
Employees of supply and delivery division |
241. Carrier-worker |
Employees of technical supervision division |
242. Head of the laboratory |
243. Senior chemist |
244. Chemist |
245. Shift chemist |
246. Chemical analysis laboratory technician |
247. Vulcaniser |
248. Locksmith-repairman |
249. Rubber mixtures mill operator |
250. Quality controller |
Monomers laboratory employees |
251. Head of the laboratory |
252. Leading engineer |
253. Scientific worker |
254. Junior scientific worker |
255. Senior laboratory technician |
Analytical laboratory employees |
256. Head of the laboratory |
257. Leading scientific worker |
258. Scientific worker |
259. Senior laboratory technician |
Polymer laboratory employees |
260. Chief scientific worker |
261. Leading scientific worker |
262. Scientific worker |
263. Senior laboratory technician |
Employees of technical maintenance site |
264. Glazer |
Sanitary laboratory employees |
265. Head of the laboratory |
266. Senior chemist |
267. Chemist |
268. Chemical analysis laboratory technician |
II. Vitamin production |
Employees of “C” workshop |
1. Head of the workshop |
2. Head of the laboratory |
3. Head of the shift |
4. Chemist |
5. Foreman |
6. Laboratory technician |
7. Machine operator |
8. Equipment operator |
9. Auxiliary workers |
Employees of “E” workshop |
10. Head of the workshop |
11. Head of the laboratory |
12. Head of the shift |
13. Chemist |
14. Foreman |
15. Laboratory technician |
16. Machine operator |
17. Equipment operator |
18. Auxiliary workers |
Employees of “D-3” workshop |
19. Head of the workshop |
20. Head of the laboratory |
21. Head of the shift |
22. Chemist |
23. Foreman |
24. Laboratory technician |
25. Machine operator |
26. Equipment operator |
27. Auxiliary workers |
Employees of auxiliary workshop s |
28. Head of the workshop |
29. Head of the laboratory |
30. Head of the shift |
31. Chemist |
32. Foreman |
33. Laboratory technician |
34. Machine operator |
35. Equipment operator |
36. Auxiliary worker |
37. Gas welder |
38. Electric welder |
39. Repairing locksmiths |
40. Energetic engineer- electrician attached to workshops |
VII. Light industry
1. Gumming specialist |
2. Employees preparing chemical solutions |
3. Employees preparing paints |
4. Paint bathtubs and containers washer |
5. Workers cleaning dust chambers and air duct |
6. Raising-screeching machine operator |
7. Combing machine operator |
8. Drum cleaner |
9. Painting and whitening workshops workers |
10. Combing machines cleaning workers |
11. Workers cleaning and sharpening the heads of combing machines |
12. Workers mixing the fuzz |
13. Drying equipment workers |
14. Vaporiser |
15. Whipping workers |
16. Decorating workers |
17. Fabric heat treating workers |
18. Gumming specialist working with organic solutions and water mixtures |
19. Colourist |
20. Leather raw material primary processing workers |
21. Leather processing, colouring, degreasing workshop workers |
22. Workers working with organic solutions, rubber, latex glue and other toxic substances |
VIII. Machine industry
I. Casting production |
Employees of casting production |
1. Caster casting under pressure |
2. Metal and casting caster |
3. Liquid cast iron filler |
4. Metal filler |
5. Metalworker-farmer |
6. Fusing model filler |
7. Casting machine foreman |
8. Casting machines heat treating specialist |
9. Metal model designer |
Forge press works |
10. Pressing machine and dungeon blacksmith |
11. Moulding blacksmith |
12. Forging blacksmith |
13. Forge press equipment debugger |
14. Liquid metal cutter |
15. Thermal processing |
16. Cyanic mortar neutraliser |
17. Cyanic salt sorter |
18. Lead basins heat treating specialist |
19. Cyanic basins heat treating specialist |
20. Thermal high-frequency installation thermal cleaner |
21. Metal plating and enameling |
22. Electroplating |
23. Electroplating bathtub controller |
24. Enamel mass grinder |
25. Metalworker of copper and copper alloys |
26. Enamelled items kilning specialist |
27. Hot-dip galvaniser |
28. Lead coating specialist |
29. Enamel powder preparing specialist |
30. Enamelling specialist |
31. Welding works |
32. Gas cutter |
33. Gas welder |
34. Acetylene installation specialist |
35. Welding site crane operator |
36. Acetylene installations, pipeline locksmith |
37. Electric welder |
Painting works |
38. Painting materials and paint preparing specialist |
39. Painter |
40. Varnisher |
41. Surface flattener and cleaner |
42. Employee working with reflective paints |
Employees of cable production |
43. Armouring of cables |
44. Rubber mix developer |
45. Insulating mass boiler |
46. Electroinsulating varnishes boiler |
47. Wire twister |
48. Isolator |
49. Wire and cable varnisher |
50. Hot casting site crane operator |
51. Cable kilning specialist |
52. Lead coated cable winder |
53. Cable and wire heat treating specialist |
Employees of radio parts production |
54. Muffle furnaces and gas burners maintenance specialist |
55. Hermeticity testing specialist |
56. Magnetic wires marker |
57. Radio parts varnisher |
58. Bobbin winder |
59. Radio parts welder |
60. Electroconductive mass maker |
61. Radio parts silversmith |
62. Radio parts polisher – debugger |
IX. Production of construction materials
Asbestos production employees |
1. Taggers |
2. Bulldozer drivers working in ore warehouses of enriching factory |
3. Ventilator and extraction plant operators working in extraction plants |
4. Auxiliary workers working in enriching workshops /sites/ |
5. Asbestos-enriching equipment controllers |
6. Locksmith-repairing staff repairing asbestos enriching equipment |
7. Lubricators lubricating the equipment in enriching workshops /sites/ |
8. Electric gas welders working in technological workshops of enriching factories |
9. Electricians of all titles working in technological workshops of enriching factories |
10. Electrical locksmiths /locksmiths/ on duty and responsible for repair of equipment |
11. Mechanical engineers in technological workshops of enriching factories |
12. Specialists in energetic of technological workshops of enriching factories |
X. Police service
1. Bomb technician – expert |
2. Radiocentre operator |
3. Wiretapers |
XI. Emergency situation service
I. Rescue works |
1. Rescuers, rescue force manager – works performed in emergency sites |
II. Works performed in biologically affected centres |
1. Doctor-infectious disease specialist, microbiologist-laboratory technician, technical worker - research works of biologically affected centre |
III. Works performed in chemically, radiologically, biologically affected and irradiated centres |
1. Chemist-laboratory technician, chemist-biologist, chemist-dosimetrist, chemist-radiologist - checking possible chemically, biologically and radiologically affected samples in laboratory conditions |
2. Chemist-aidman - works on disinfection of outfit of personnel working in the source of infection in special treatment point outside the source of infection |
IV. Works performed in chemically, radiologically, biologically affected and irradiated centres |
1. Manager of fire fighting, head, deputy head of fire fighting unit - determination of the type, location and the level of chemically, radiologically, biologically affected and irradiated centres, assessment of the threat of ways of spread of radioactive infection |
V. Works performed in high mountain regions |
1. Rescuers, manager of rescue forces, fire fighting manager, deputy head of fire fighting unit, chief security officer, squad commander, senior firefighter, firefighter, driver - rescue operations, fire investigation, during which the type and size of the fire, terrain relief, speed and direction of fire spread, both further possible development of the fire and the process of extinguishing it are determined |
VI. Works related to milling units and fans |
1. Rescuers, machine operator, locksmith, electric welder, gas welder; perform machine operating, locksmith, welding and metal cutting works in metal cutting workshops |
VII. Diving and water rescue operations |
1. Water rescuers - water rescue operations |
VIII. Fire extinguishing and fire fighting works |
1. Fire fighting manager, chief security officer, squad commander, senior firefighter, firefighter, driver - fire extinguishing operations in unfavourable conditions (at low temperatures and strong winds), in buildings and constructions (children's institutions and schools, cultural and entertainment institutions, high buildings, museums, libraries, archives, exhibitions and computing centres) |
XII. Civil aviation
1. Aviation technicians and engine mechanics of all titles who are directly involved in the maintenance of aircraft, including the aircraft used in aviation chemical works using toxic chemicals |
2. Aircraft jet fuel and lubricating oils filling specialist |
3. Gas pump unit operators working in charging stations for ensuring the preparation of aircraft flights |
4. Aircraft washers using chemical reagents and solvents |
5. Specialists repairing units, equipment, aircraft engines using ethyl gasoline after aviation chemical works |
6. Staff performing works with filling and dumping the ethyl gasoline and other fuel-oil substances and other high-risk chemicals |
7. Staff performing manual cleaning of containers containing ethyl gasoline and other fuel-oil substances and other high-risk chemicals |
8. Specialists in regeneration of utilised aviation oils |
9. Drivers of special vehicles ensuring the operation of aircraft |
10. Technical staff of the laboratory of the aviation technical base |
11. Employees performing the repair and charging of acid and alkaline batteries |
12. Vulcanisers performing repair works with heating method |
13. Gas welding and gas cutting specialists |
14. Electric welders |
15. Engineers of technical control division |
16. Locksmiths |
17. Painters |
18. Employees performing installation, repair and operational and technical maintenance for radio masts /radio towers/ and antenna-feeder equipment |
19. Employees performing high-place operational and technical maintenance and repair works for communication and radiofixation overhead lines |
20. Employees performing permanent works in underground communication facilities |
21. Employees performing welding of cables with polyethylene, polyvinylchloride and lead films |
22. Employees performing maintenance of sewage communication facilities |
23. Employees performing operational and technical maintenance of radiolocation, radionavigation and radio transmission equipment operating within a wave range of one cm to ten metres inclusive in a frequency range of 30 MHz to 30,000 GHz inclusive |
24. Employees, dispatchers, dispatcher-instructors, senior dispatchers, flight managers who directly control the traffic with maximum air traffic intensity or air traffic complexity in airport zones, air station dispatcher regional, local centres |
25. Employees of aviation meteorology |
26. Employees of electrical technical and lighting flight support |
27. Employees of aviation hygiene and anti-epidemic division |
28. Employees of X-ray research division |
29. Employees of ultrasound study division |
30. Employees of clinical laboratories |
31. Employees of dermatovenereal room |
32. Employees of disinfection centre |
XIII. Urban development
1. Excavator operators |
2. Bulldozer operators |
3. Crane operators |
4. Compressor operators |
5. Compactor operators |
6. Drillers |
7. Bricklayers |
8. Asphalt and concrete layers |
9. Welders |
10. Locksmiths |
11. Collector-locksmiths |
12. Painters and plasterers |
13. Construction assemblers |
14. Construction renovation assemblers |
15. Metalworkers |
16. Lathe operators |
17. Milling machine operators |
18. Farmers |
19. Steelfixers |
20. Carpenters |
XIV. Healthcare and Social Security Institutions
1. Occupational hygiene and radiation safety, environmental and communal hygiene units of the State Hygiene and Anti-Epidemic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia |
2. Physician-hygienists of territorial and regional centres of the State Hygiene and Anti-Epidemic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia |
3. Epidemiological, bacteriological, virological institutions, laboratories, units |
4. Physician-epidemiologists of territorial and regional centres of the State Hygiene and Anti-Epidemic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia |
5. X-ray, medical radiological /all profiles/units, departments, cabinets, |
6. Tuberculosis and anti-tuberculosis hospitals, dispensaries, cabinets, health resorts |
7. Psychiatric, neuropsychiatric departments, cabinets |
8. Barooperating theatres |
9. Micro operating theatres |
10. Forensic Expert Institutions |
11. Pathoanatomical institutions, departments, cabinets |
12. Specialised medical and social expert commissions for mentally ill persons /MSEC/ |
13. Physiotherapeutic departments, cabinets, watering places |
14. Anesthesiology and reanimation, intensive therapy departments, wards |
15. Wards, cabinets, departments for burns, acute poisoning, use of artificial kidney |
16. Departments for patients with purulent complications |
17. Laboratories /units, departments, clinical, serological, bacteriological, biochemical/ |
18. Blood transfusion stations, blood conservation departments |
19. Chemotherapeutic, laser, computer departments |
20. Underground healthcare institutions, departments, cabinets |
21. Departments carrying out treatment and care of newborn and prematurely-born children |
22. Hospitals, departments carrying out care and treatment of patients with organic lesions of central nervous system /paralysis, stroke, deaf-dumbness, visual and disorder/ |
23. Brigades providing urgent and emergency assistance to mentally ill and infectious patients, drivers with duties of aidman |
24. Psychiatric /psychoneurological/ medical preventive institutions |
25. Head of medical department of specialised orphanages, deputy director for medical work, doctor, nurse (except for dieticians and pharmacy nurses), physical education instructor, special educator (including speech therapist, visual impairment specialist, surdo-teacher, oligophrenopedagogy specialist), methodologist-co-coordinator, social educator, social worker, educator, group educator, psychologist, babysitter, maid, washer (washer-ironer), hairdresser |
26. Head of medical department of a special type nursing home, doctor, nurse (except for dieticians and pharmacy nurses), therapeutic physical education instructor, psychologist, social worker, educator, specialist in occupational therapy, event organiser, aidman, guard of the department, washer (washer-ironer), hairdresser |
27. Social worker, social pedagogue, educator, methodologist co-ordinator, ergotherapist, group leader (as per directions), specialist in occupational therapy, special educator (including speech therapist, visual impairment specialist, surdo-teacher, oligophrenopedagogy specialist), psychologist (including special psychologist, behavioural therapist), maid, nanny, psychiatrist, nurse, adaptive physical culture specialist exclusively in organisations providing care and social rehabilitation services for people with intellectual and mental problems (including autism) |
XV. Water Economy
1. Developers of cast iron |
2. Gas welders |
3. Casters and electric welders, paint and solvent users |
4. Water quality testers |
5. Sewage removers |
6. Study of the Arpa-Sevan tunnel and its current repair |
XVI. Graphic Arts Production
I. Employees of Graphic Arts Production |
1. Copyist of printing templates |
2. Employees working with cutting equipment |
3. Assemblers engaged in negatives and diapositives assembly |
4. Manual stackers on machines (all types) and stackers on typesetting machines |
5. Rearranger on all types of printing machines |
6. Press operators of all forms of printing |
7. Template acceptors on machines and units |
8. Printing and stamping operator |
9. Bookbinders and persons working with thermosetting adhesives |
10. Photographers working in moulding workshops |
11. Engineering and technical and other employees working in photo-technical, moulding and printing workshops /units/ |
12. Aligners, electricians, locksmiths engaged in repair and maintenance of polygraphic equipment of photo-technical, moulding and printing workshops /units/ |
13. Lithographic artist |
14. Heads and specialists |
15. Notebook printing machines |
16. Typesetter of line casting machines |
XVII. Archive-keeping
1. Head of laboratory |
2. Engineer of laboratory |
3. Senior supervising foreman of laboratory |
4. Supervising foreman of laboratory |
5. Head of laboratory department |
6. Master copyist of laboratory |
7. Master restorer of laboratory |
8. Master bookbinder of laboratory |
9. Master disinfector of laboratory |
10. Worker |
Employees of film-, photo-, phono- documents and branch office for insurance copies |
1. Head of branch |
2. Deputy head |
3. Head of division |
4. 1-3 class fund keeper |
5. 1 class, leading, chief archivist |
6. Film editing operator |
7. Sound operator |
8. Film-, photo-, photo- equipment maintaining mechanic |
9. Air conditioning system technician |
10. Underground archival repository electrician |
11. Underground archival repository cleaner |
XVIII. Preservation of Monuments
Study and Measurement of Monuments, Fortification, Repair, Restoration
1. Passportisation specialist of monument |
2. Specialist studying the technical state of monument |
3. Materials scientist |
4. Architect restorer |
5. Restorer designer |
6. Frescoer |
7. Stonemason-bricklayer |
8. Carpenter foreman |
9. Worker |
XIX. Film Production
1. Negative assembly specialist |
2. Positive assembly specialist |
3. Mechanic maintaining film production equipment /except for laboratory/ |
4. Painter-decorator |
5. Subtitle typographer |
6. Maker of pyrotechnic products |
7. Engineering and technical workers of recording and editing, filming equipment workshops |
8. Scenery maker-decorator |
9. Technicians maintaining audio equipment |
10. Mechanic engaged in repairing complex film equipment used in film production |
11. Mechanics imitating various phenomena of nature |
12. Photosensitive tape charger |
13. Film copy picker |
14. Technical control supervisor |
15. Mass positive supervisor |
16. Supervisor preparing film materials for duplication |
17. Workers permanently employed in tape processing workshop |
18. Film-phototape cutter |
19. Specialist for installing, adjusting light and colour |
20. Electrocopy maker |
XX. General Professions
1. Cashiers counting and sorting cash |
2. Collectors |
XXI. Sector of Atomic Energy Use
Employees of the State Committee on Nuclear Safety Regulation adjunct to the Government of the Republic of Armenia
1. Chairperson of the Committee |
2. Deputy Chairpersons of the Committee |
3. Head of the Staff of the Committee |
4. Inspectors |
Works under conditions of ionising radiation |
1. Specialists for radiation safety |
2. Specialists for radiometric and dosimetric measurements |
(Annex amended, edited, supplemented by No 1378-N of 11 December 2014, amended by No 1588-N of 30 November 2017, supplemented, amended by No 980-N of 6 September 2018, edited by No 466-N of 25 April 2019, supplemented by N 1540-N of 7 November 2019)
Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
D. Sargsyan |
Annex N 2 to Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No 1698-N of 2 December 2010 |
I. Agriculture
I. Plant Breeding |
1. Workers carrying out chemical (toxic substances) control works against plant pests, diseases and weeds (spraying, pollination, preparation of working fluid) |
2. Persons conducting expertise in determining the active substance in toxic substances |
II. Veterinary |
1. Works with farm animal diseases of rabies, brucellosis, tuberculosis, paratyphoid, equinia, ornithosis, botulism, tetanus, food-and-mouth disease, smallpox, anthrax, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, tularemia, listeriosis, viral encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever, and infectious diseases, as well as works with disease-causing adenoviruses and endoviruses, live pathogens, as well as workers engaged in pathoanatomical, radiological, biochemical, toxicological, veterinary disinfection, study of hides (for the Askoli reaction) in relation to anthrax, utilization of animal carcasses, production of viral bacterial biovaccines and antibiotics for animal husbandry |
III. Transport |
1. Persons carrying out automated fight works against weeds, pests and diseases of agricultural crops |
2. Pesticides and fertilizer storekeepers, salesmen and workers |
IV. Food and Processing |
1. Foremen and senior foremen carrying out internal cleaning of reservoirs, tanks and cisterns |
2. Workers employed in rock salt mines |
3. Workers occupied with loading and unloading in fermentation chambers in tobacco production and other workers maintaining the chambers |
4. Permanent workers in workshops using chloroform, dichloroethane, benzole, diesel oil and other organic solvents |
5. Workers engaged in thermal insulating of hot parts and pipelines of technological equipment |
6. Workers engaged in carbon dioxide production |
I. Geological Exploration Works |
Mine Shafts, Ore Deposits, Mines |
Underground works of extraction of useful minerals in mineshafts, ore deposits and mines, in geological exploration, in drainage wells, in construction of mineshafts, ore deposits, mines, including: |
1. All workers engaged in full-time underground works |
2. Managers and specialists of underground sites |
3. Managers of mineshafts, ore deposits and mine administrations with rights to mines |
4. Chief engineers |
5. Chief mechanical engineers |
6. Chief specialists in energetics |
7. Directors, heads |
8. Workers, managers, specialists and staff who are occupied in underground works for 50% or more of the annual working time /during the calculation period/ |
9. Miners in geological works |
10. Miners in surveying works |
11. Well log analysts |
12. Timber men |
13. Geologists |
14. Site geologists |
15. Chief geologists |
16. Geophysicists |
17. Hydrogeologists |
18. Chief engineers of mining and construction departments and departments equivalent thereto, their deputies/assistants for production, underground construction and safety equipment |
19. Chief mine surveyors, their deputies |
20. Deputies /assistants of directors /heads/ of mineshafts, ore deposits and mine administrations with rights to mines, responsible for production |
21. Mine surveyors |
22. Site mine surveyors |
23. Managers and specialists of departments, expeditions, offices and other organizations and their branches, which perform works in underground conditions, who are occupied in underground works for 50%or more of the annual working time /during the calculation period/ |
24. Chief engineers, their deputies /assistants/ responsible for production |
25. Chief mine surveyors, their deputies |
26. Chief mechanical engineers, their deputies |
27. Chief specialists in energetics, their deputies |
28. Site mine surveyors |
29. Foremen, mineral foremen |
30. Mechanical engineers |
31. Heads of departments /expeditions, offices and branches of organisations/, their deputies responsible for production |
32. Sites heads, their deputies/ assistants/ |
34. All employees engaged in supporting the above-mentioned workers and officers during the full working day underground /medical staff of underground medical centres, underground telephone communication staff, etc./ |
35. Engineers responsible for mining works in underground sites |
36. Sites mineral foremen |
37. Mechanical engineers of underground sites |
38. Heads of shifts |
39. Sites heads, their deputies /assistants/ |
40. Heads of mineshafts, their deputies /assistants/ |
41. Mining regulators |
42. Technical managers, their deputies/assistants/ |
43. Electric mechanical engineers of underground sites, their deputies /assistants/ |
III. Transport
1. Regulation of the speed of movement of wagons by braking with the help of brake spiders, assembly and approach of brake spiders to braking positions, adjustment of wagons for adhesion in sorting tracks /lines/, disconnection and connection of wagons with brake spiders and hand brakes at sorting stations |
2. Emptying and filling of terns |
3. Processing of cylindrical barrels using steam, hot water, solvents in washing-steaming stations (points and trains) |
4. Works on filling the devices with mercury, emptying the mercury from the devices, cleaning and determining the amount of mercury |
5. Works carried out only during night hours in tunnels and other underground structures of subway |
6. Filling the valves of the emptying devices of cylindrical barrels |
7. Overhead repair and maintenance works of contact network equipment, high-voltage power transmission lines, automatic control blocking equipment, lighting equipment on light poles, rope, suspension and portal constructions at railroads yards |
8. Washing of freight wagons transporting raw materials of animal origin, animals, dust-emitting loads, pesticides and mineral fertilisers |
9. Major repair of the escalators of subway tunnels directly in inclined tunnels |
IV. Energy
I. Energy |
1. Cleaning of boilers in hot condition |
2. Maintenance and repair of mercury rectifiers |
3. Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of overhead power transmission lines and substations in current live parts |
4. Works carried out with the use of radioactive and ionising materials and during operation and testing of X-ray facilities |
II. Atomic Energy |
1. Operation of bridge cranes in reactor, turbine (radioactive steam turbines), reactor-turbine-specific water treatment workshops (sites) |
2. Sampling of products containing radioactive materials and analysis thereof |
3. Maintenance of heat network, boiler equipment working with radioactive steam |
4. Cleaning of production buildings of main (first) circuit of nuclear power stations |
5. Maintenance of electric power equipment and auxiliary systems of main (first) circuit in reactor, turbine, reactor-turbine, chemical workshops (sites) |
6. Maintenance of special water and gas treatment, ventilation, hot and cold air supply systems and facilities in the buildings of main (first) circuit of nuclear power plant |
7. maintenance and repair of nuclear fuel and other materials, goods handling, transport-technological equipment in reactor rooms (units) |
8. maintenance of measuring equipment monitoring and control (automatic devices, regulators, technological protection, blocking, signalling and other devices) in reactor, turbine (radioactive steam turbines), reactor-turbine special water-treatment workshops (units) |
9. repair and adjustment of reactor, turbine (working with radioactive steam) electric power equipment, automatics and measuring equipment, relay protection and automatics operating in turbine, reactor fuel supply workshops (units) |
10. Repair of equipment contaminated with radioactive materials, processing of materials and parts |
11. Acceptance-delivery of instruments, equipment, materials and parts contaminated with radioactive materials |
12. Deactivation of equipment and facilities contaminated with radioactive materials, acceptance and treatment of special outwear, footwear and other necessary protection means |
13. Radiation dose monitoring in the building of main (primary) circuit of nuclear power plant |
14. Collection, transportation, processing and disposal of radioactive waste |
15. Repair and construction works carried out in main (primary) circuit of nuclear power plant |
16. Cleaning of boilers in hot condition |
17. Maintenance and repair of current live parts of substations, overhead electric transmission lines and electrical equipment |
III. General Works |
Diving works |
V. Mining Industry
Extraction of Useful Minerals
Underground works of extraction of useful minerals in mineshafts, ore deposits and mines and in construction thereof, including: |
1. All workers engaged in full-time underground works |
2. Managers and specialists of underground sites |
3. Workers, managers, specialists and staff who are occupied in underground works for 50%or more of their annual working time /during the calculation period/ |
4. Fire-bosses |
5. Miners in geological works |
6. Miners in surveying work |
7. Well log analysts |
8. Timber men |
9. Workers and specialists engaged in assembly, dismantling, repair and adjustment of equipment |
10. Electrical fitters /fitters/ on duty and responsible for equipment repair, engaged in maintenance of pipes, wells and cranes |
11. Site geologists |
12. Engineers engaged in shifts |
13. Adjustment and testing engineers (leading, of category 1-2 and uncategorised) carrying out works in underground conditions |
14. Local mine surveyors |
15. Foremen engaged in drainage, communications and aerial economy works |
16. Mineral foremen of production sites |
17. Supervising foremen /senior foremen/ |
18. Foremen of production sites |
19. Mechanical engineers lifting crane installations /mechanical engineers responsible for lifting / |
20. Heads, deputy heads of shaft sinking of mineshaft /mining workshop/ |
21. Heads of shifts |
22. Sites heads, their deputies /assistants/ carrying out works in underground conditions |
23. Mineral site regulators |
24. Adjustment and testing technicians of all specialities /1-2 categories and uncategorised/ carrying out work in underground conditions |
25. Mineral engineers engaged in labour protection and safety techniques |
26. Site mine surveyors |
27. Foremen, mineral foremen |
28. Mechanical engineers |
29. Sites heads, their deputies /assistants/ |
Underground works of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and capital renovation of mine openings, subways, underground canals, tunnels and other underground structures, including: |
Workers |
30. Steel fixers |
31. Concrete workers |
32. Blast hole drillers |
33. Shot lighters |
34. Drivers of vehicles /airplanes/ |
35. Underground miners |
36. Insulators |
37. Timber men |
38. Winch operators |
39. Bulldozer operators |
40. Operators of drilling rigs |
41. Crane operators |
42. Operators of railmotor cars |
43. Operators of pumping stations |
44. Loading machine operators |
45. Operators of underground self-propelled vehicles |
46. Operators of underground vehicles engaged in "blind" pits |
47. Operators of mobile scaffolds |
48. Operators of drilling complexes |
49. Operators of scrapers |
50. Operators of scraper winches |
51. Operators of bucket excavators engaged in drilling |
52. Operators of electric locomotives |
53. Machine operators of ventilation units engaged in drilling |
54. Shaftmen |
55. Powdermen |
56. Deckmen |
57. Transport worker |
58. Chasers |
59. Electric and gas welders |
60. Electricians serving substations, who are engaged in drilling |
61. Electric welders with automatic and semi-automatic machines |
62. Electric welders of manual welding |
63. Wiremen-installers of underground mining equipment |
64. Electrical locksmiths of drilling |
65. Workers, managers, specialists and staff who are occupied in underground works for 50% percent or more of the annual working time /during the calculation period/ |
66. Miners in surveying works |
67. Mining equipment installers engaged in drilling |
68. Engineers responsible for mining works at underground sites |
69. Sites mineral foremen |
70. Shift mechanical engineers |
71. Mechanical engineers of underground sites |
Managers and specialists |
72. Heads of shifts |
73. Sites heads, their deputies /assistants/ |
74. Workers, managers and specialists engaged in full-time open-pit operations in open-pit mines, except for workers engaged in super structure works |
Workers of mineral wax/coal wax/ and ozokerite production |
Workers |
75. Operators of mineral wax production |
76. Operators of casters |
77. Workers engaged in manual ozokerite filling |
Managers and specialists |
78. Foremen, senior foremen, managers of workers listed in Annex No 1 |
Mine rescue parts /stations/ |
Workers |
79. Rescue men |
80. Sample collectors in mineshafts /ore deposits/ |
81. Platoon commanders, their deputies /assistants/ |
82. Squad commanders, their deputies /assistants/ |
VI. Preparing, Enriching, Crushing /Agglomerating, Briquetting, Hardening/, Roasting of Ores and Non-Metallic Minerals
Workers |
1. Agglomerators |
2. Bunkermen engaged in the supply of hot agglomerate and pellets |
3. Мelters |
4. Hot agglomerate unloaders |
5. Powder unloaders |
6. Gas men |
7. Agglomerating and roasting furnace men |
8. Screenmen-rabblers |
9. Dosers engaged in filling in crushing departments |
10. Hot return dosers |
11. Crushing workers engaged in crushing hot agglomerate |
12. Furnace operators engaged in transfer of hot agglomerate and pellets |
13. Crane operators engaged in transfer of hot agglomerate and pellets |
14. Operators of coolers |
15. Operators of vanes engaged in hot agglomerate |
16. Operators of mixer drums engaged in works with ore, the dust whereof contains 2% or more crystalline /free/ dioxide of flint, hot return works |
17. Operators of electric locomotives of quenching cars |
18. Kiln workers |
19. Workers engaged in mixing of mineral and non-metallic minerals containing 2% or more crystalline (free) dioxide of flint in dust /including mixing in the production of pellets/ |
20. Workers engaged in crushing, grinding, sorting and enriching of ferrous metal and non-metallic mineral ores and mining and chemical raw materials containing 2% or more of crystalline (free) dioxide of flint in dust |
21. Bunkermen, screenmen, dosers, crushers, conveyor operators, mill operators, feeder operators engaged in supply of dry raw materials |
22. Conveyors engaged in delivery of hot agglomerate and pellets |
Managers and specialists |
23. Foremen, senior foremen engaged in hot sites and sites of crushing, chopping, grinding, mixing of ores and non-metallic minerals containing 2% or more crystalline /free/ dioxide of flint in dust. |
VII. Metallurgical Production /Ferrous Metals/
Blast furnace production workers |
Workers |
1. Leadmen of bunkers |
2. Leadmen of charging machines |
3. Bunkermen of blast furnace |
4. Derrickmen of blast furnaces |
5. Plumbers of blast furnaces |
6. Gas men of blast furnaces |
7. Stokers of desulphuration of cast iron |
8. Stokers of blast furnaces |
9. Loaders engaged in unloading of hot agglomerate in bunkers |
10. Ladlemen |
11. Operators of scale-cars employed in tunnels and stockhouses |
12. Crane operators of metallurgical production engaged in hot works |
13. Operators of charging machines |
14. Operators of electric block-and-tackles engaged in hot works |
15. Operators of mixture serving employed in bunkers and stockhouses |
16. Operators of electric locomotives of metallurgical workshops working in tunnels |
17. Refractory men engaged in hot works |
18. Skipmen |
19. Sling operators employed in hot works |
20. Furnace charge transporters engaged in deliver of furnace charge to not fully mechanised blast furnaces |
21. Waste collectors of metallurgical production, engaged in collection of furnace dust and cleaning of gas ducts |
22. Slaggers |
Managers and specialists |
23. Foremen, senior foremen, engaged in hot sites works |
Workers of steel and ferroalloy production involved in preparation of compositions and repair of metallurgical furnaces |
Workers |
24. Leadmen of mould yards |
25. Pitch cookers engaged in cooking tar and drying the floor |
26. Cupolamen |
27. Gas workers |
28. Keepers of ferroalloy furnaces |
29. Furnace charge loaders |
30. Hot metal stampers engaged in manual stamping and stamping the stock material in the end |
31. Ladlemen |
32. Hydro-cleaning and lubrication operators of moulds |
33. Distributor (without remote control) operators |
34. operators of charging machines |
35. Machinists of fettling machines |
36. Crane operators of metallurgical production employed in hot works |
37. Operators of fire treatment machines |
38. Operators of charging machines |
39. Operators of electric block-and-tackle engaged in hot works |
40. Operators transporting hot metal |
41. Operators of mixing machines |
42. Gatherer of stoppers |
43. Kiln workers employed in ferroalloy production |
44. Handlers of metal surface defects |
45. Refractory men engaged in hot works |
46. Operators of continuous casting of stock material engaged in hot works /filling panel, gas cutting, main station, disposal mechanisms/ |
47. Operators of control desks engaged in hot metal finishing |
48. Deoxidants furnacemen |
49. Synthetic slags furnacemen |
50. Ferroalloys furnacemen |
51. Persons preparing rolling stocks for filling with fuse |
52. Persons preparing fosses |
53. Workers assisting converter steelworkers |
54. Workers assisting steelworkers of open-hearth melting furnaces |
55. Workers assisting steelworkers of steel ladle metallurgy facilities |
56. Workers assisting steelworkers of electroslag installations |
57. Workers assisting steelworkers at electrical furnaces |
58. Glowing workers |
59. Fillers of steel |
60. Repairing locksmiths engaged in hot repair of ferromanganese and ferrovanadium ferroalloy furnaces |
61. Converter steelworkers |
62. Steelworkers of open-hearth melting furnaces |
63. Steelworkers of steel ladle metallurgy facilities |
64. Steelworkers of electroslag installations |
65. Steelworkers of electrical furnaces |
66. Sling operators engaged in hot work sites |
67. Thermists of mill products and pipes engaged in manual loading of hot metal or constantly engaged in hot works |
68. Ferroalloy cleaners |
69. Charge makers engaged in maintenance of furnaces for ferromanganese, ferrovanadium and manganese steels |
70. Cinder pitmen |
71. Electrode makers |
72. Electric welders welding manually, engaged in adding ferromanganese and ferrovanadium smelting ferroalloy furnace casings |
Managers and specialists |
73. Foremen, senior foremen, engaged in hot work sites |
Manufacture of rolling, railway wheel, tyre rolling, fork rolling, sheet rolling mills, tin plating, galvanizing, lead plating. Manufacture of rail fastenings, hot metal cutting and treating. Heat treatment. |
Manufacture of calibrated metal |
Workers |
74. Aluminisers |
75. Crystallising operators engaged in production of copperas |
76. Neutralisation operators engaged in works involving hydrochloric acid |
77. Recovery operators engaged in works involving hydrochloric acid |
78. Centrifuge operators engaged in production of copperas |
79. Operators of electrolytic degreasing |
80. Rollers of sizing mills engaged in hot rolling |
81. Rollers of cage assembly and transfer constantly engaged in transferring cages in hot work sites |
82. Rollers of hot rolling mills |
83. Pitch makers |
84. Gas workers |
85. Gas cutters engaged in cutting the ends of rolled products in a hot state |
86. Loaders of heat-treating furnaces |
87. Glowing workers engaged in manual loading |
88. Tug-stackers |
89. Hot metal stampers engaged in hand stamping or in stamping stock material ends |
90. Boiler cleaners engaged in cleaning furnaces and tunnels |
91. Smiths on hammers and presses |
92. Smith-stampers |
93. Smith-stampers on rotary machines |
94. Sheet metal cutters |
95. Hot form tinmen |
96. Electric tinmen /galvanisers/ |
97. Operators of loading machines engaged in hot work sites |
98. Crane operators in metallurgical production engaged in hot works |
99. Operators of fire treatment machines |
100. Operators on hammers, presses and manipulators |
101. Press operators engaged in hot works |
102. Operators of reverse steam engines of rolling mills engaged in hot rolling |
103. Operators of electric block-and-tackles engaged in hot works |
104. Metal heaters |
105. Handlers of metal surface defects |
106. Refractory men engaged in hot works |
107. Operators of control bases engaged in hot works |
108. Operators of continuous pickling, degreasing, tinning, galvanising, varnishing and firing units control bases engaged in pickling, tinning, alumina-galvanizing, lead-plating, galvanising departments |
109. Control base operators of hot rolling mills |
110. Lead makers |
111. Hot form galvanisers |
112. Workers assisting rollers of hot rolling mills |
113. Metal oven loaders |
114. Roll and pipe handlers engaged in hot works |
115. Wheels and tyre compression operators engaged in hot works |
116. Moulder-sewers of rail accessories engaged in hot stamping |
117. Workers engaged in hot form rolling, bending and riveting of pipes |
118. Hot metal cutters |
119. Sling operators engaged in hot work sites and works in hazardous conditions |
120. Heat treatment operators of rolls and tubes engaged in manual loading or permanently engaged in hot work sites |
121. Etchers |
122. Hot metal collectors |
123. Waste collectors of metallurgical production, engaged in collection of oxide film during hot rolling of metal |
124. Roll arrangers engaged in hot works |
125. Cinder pitmen |
Managers and specialists |
126. Foremen, senior foremen, engaged in hot work sites |
VIII. Metallurgical Production/Nonferrous Metals/
Workers preparing raw materials and admixture in briquettes in copper plants and factories |
Workers |
1. Crushers |
2. Furnace charge loaders |
Burning, Waelz process |
Workers |
1. Operators-hydrometallurgists |
2. Bunkermen |
3. Crushers |
4. Burning furnace loaders and unloaders engaged in hot works |
5. Furnace charge loaders engaged in hot works |
6. Operators /hoisters/ in boiler houses engaged in the hot work sites |
7. Operators of grinding mills engaged in grinding of calcines |
8. Operators of feed tracks |
9. Kiln workers |
10. Refractory men engaged in hot works |
11. Stove-setters on blast furnaces |
12. Stove-setters of nickel powder recovery |
13. Sling operators engaged in hot work sites |
14. Transport workers |
15. Transport workers engaged in hot works and in elevator servicing |
16. Managers and specialists |
17. Foremen /senior foremen/ |
Baking of furnace charge |
Workers |
18. Agglomerators |
19. Hot agglomerate unloaders |
20. Stokers of agglomerating and burning |
21. Screenmen |
22. Screenmen-rabblers |
23. Hot return regulators |
24. Crushers |
25. Furnace charge loaders |
26. Operators of cranes /hoisters/ engaged in the hot sites |
27. Operators of grinding mills |
28. Operators of air exhausters |
29. Kiln workers |
30. Developers of secondary stag |
31. Glowing workers |
32. Stirrers |
33. Sling operators engaged in hot site works |
34. Transport workers engaged in hot agglomerate reloading |
35. Collectors of slag and circulatory agglomerate |
36. Furnace chargers engaged in furnace charging of agglomerates |
Managers and specialists |
37. Foremen /senior foremen/ |
Workers drying furnace charge and middlings |
Workers |
38. Bunkermen |
39. Loaders |
40. Stokers of technological furnaces |
41. Drying operators |
42. Transport workers |
Managers and specialists |
43. Foremen, senior foremen in case managing the workers of this sub-division |
Receipt of metal by smelting and electro-thermal methods |
Workers |
44. Hot agglomerate unloaders |
45. Unloaders on the dump engaged in transferring hot slag |
46. Crushers |
47. Furnace charge loaders |
48. Blowers |
49. Stokers of technological furnaces |
50. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in hot site works |
51. Operators of feeders engaged in workshops |
52. Operators of filling machines |
53. Refractory men engaged in hot works |
54. Furnacemen |
55. Fillers of non-ferrous metals and lead-tin alloys |
56. Sling operators engaged in hot site works |
57. Transport workers engaged in transporting hot metals |
58. Collectors of slag and reverts engaged in transporting hot slag |
59. Product cleaners engaged in cleaning silicon |
60. Furnace chargers |
61. Electrode makers engaged in electric furnaces and refineries |
Managers and specialists |
62. Foremen /senior foremen/ |
Metal refining |
Workers |
63. Bunkermen |
64. Furnace charge loaders |
65. Stokers of technological furnaces |
66. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in hot site works |
67. Operators of electric block-and-tackles engaged in hot site works |
68. Kiln workers |
69. Furnacemen |
70. Fillers of non-ferrous metals and lead-tin alloys |
71. Sling operators engaged in hot site works |
72. Slagmakers |
Managers and specialists |
73. Foremen /senior foremen/ |
Hydrometallurgy, liquidation, production of cadmium and copperas |
Workers |
74. Instrument control men-hydrometallurgists |
75. Instrument control men of preparing artificial scheelite |
76. Acid stabiliser - gummer |
77. Operators of grinding mills engaged in dry grinding |
78. Kiln workers |
79. Solderers on viniplast |
80. Solderers on lead /lead solderers/ |
81. Furnacemen |
82. Furnace workers producing zinc copperas |
83. Repulpers |
84. Chlorinators |
85. Pot operators of aqueous solutions |
Managers and specialists |
86. Foremen /senior foremen/ |
Workers in the production of carbon substances, masses and items derived therefrom |
Workers |
87. Gas workers |
88. Dosers |
89. Loaders-unloaders of burning and graphitising furnaces |
90. Anode pouring men |
91. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in burning, calcination and graphitising |
92. Operators of grinding mills |
93. Operators of shifting plants |
94. Operators of electric block-and-tackles engaged in burning, calcination and graphitising |
95. Kiln workers |
96. Refractory men engaged in hot repairing |
97. Pitch melters |
98. Press operators electrode products |
99. Glowing workers |
100. Impregnators |
101. Stirrers |
102. Stand makers |
103. Sling operators engaged in burning, calcination and graphitising |
104. Moulders of electric mass |
105. Chlorinators of electrode products |
106. Furnace chargers |
Managers and specialists |
107. Foremen, senior foremen except for those engaged in mechanical processing of electrodes |
Production of metals by electrolytic method in metal melting |
Workers |
108. Anodising operators in aluminium production |
109. Drivers of loading machines engaged in transportation of melted metal, fluorides, alumina and chlorination substances |
110. Drivers of electric and self-propelled trolleys engaged in transportation of melted metal, fluorides, alumina and chlorination substances |
111. Metal emptying and pouring men |
112. Loaders engaged in loading and unloading of furnace charge, alumina, fluorines and anode mass |
113. Crushers engaged in crushing electrolyte |
114. Anode pouring men |
115. Cathode makers |
116. Welders of non-ferrous metals |
117. Operators of compressor stations engaged in chlorine pumping |
118. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in hot site works |
119. Operators of loading elevators |
120. Operators of pneumatic transport |
121. Operators of filling machines |
122. Operators of electric block-and-tackles engaged in hot site works |
123. Operators of stud pulling cranes engaged in maintenance of electrolysers |
124. Installers repairing tanks |
125. Furnacemen |
126. Pouring men of non-ferrous metals and alloys |
127. Sling operators engaged in hot site works |
128. Moulders of electric mass |
129. Bricklaying and chamotte specialists on repairing tanks |
130. Chlorinators |
131. Chlorine conductors |
132. Furnace chargers |
133. Electrolysers of melted salts |
134. Wiremen and contact men |
Managers and specialists |
135. Foremen /senior foremen/ |
136. Equipment repair foremen engaged in repairing of electrolysers |
Workers in the production of non-ferrous metal powders |
Workers |
137. Instrument control men in production of metal powder |
138. Gas generator manufacturers engaged in manufacture of zinc powder |
139. Solderers on viniplast |
140. Solderers on lead /lead solderers / |
141. Furnacemen in zinc powder production |
142. Pilers and packers engaged in packaging of metallurgical powder obtained by metallurgical process |
143. Moulders of refractory products engaged in making silicon-carbide items |
144. Electrolysers of aqueous solutions |
Managers and specialists |
145. Foremen and senior foremen |
Workers producing anodes and wirebars |
Workers |
146. Furnace charge loaders |
147. Founders of non-ferrous metals |
148. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in hot site works |
149. Pouring men of non-ferrous metals and alloys |
150. Sorting operators engaged in selection of copper and slag |
Managers and specialists |
151. Foremen, senior foremen |
Workers of dedusting and degassing |
Workers |
152. Operators of air exhausters |
153. Operators servicing fume dedusting plants |
154. Pilers and packers engaged in packaging of metallurgical powder obtained by metallurgical process |
155. Cleaners engaged in cleaning dust-recovery apparatus, furnaces, gas ducts and grates |
Managers and specialists |
156. Foremen /senior foremen/ |
Production of rare metals, calcium, magnesium and titanium by metallurgical and chemical metallurgical processes |
Workers |
157. Agglomerators engaged in cooking furnace charge |
158. Instrument control men of all names except for those engaged in producing epitaxial structures and those listed in Annex N 1 |
159. Displacers of titanium sponge |
160. Dosers |
161. Loaders and unloaders |
162. Stokers of technological furnaces |
163. Operators of briquetting machines |
164. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in hot site works |
165. Operators of grinding mills |
166. Reaction apparatus installers engaged in the repairing and restoring of reaction apparatus |
167. Refractory men engaged in hot works |
168. Precise cutting operators engaged in calibration of semiconductor materials except for those engaged in production of epitaxial structures |
169. Furnacemen of iodine filtration |
170. Furnacemen of titanium and rare metal recovery and distillation |
171. Furnacemen of restitution in thermal manner |
172. Furnacemen of processing titaniferous and rare materials |
173. Furnacemen of white antimony production |
174. Furnace tenders |
175. Furnace tenders of barium electrolyte |
176. Furnace tenders of electron-beam melting |
177. Furnace charge makers of semiconductor materials engaged in alloyage of semiconductor materials, except for those engaged in production of epitaxial structures |
178. Glowing workers |
179. Persons making hard metal products |
180. Sling operators engaged in hot site works |
181. Drying operators |
182. Refiners engaged in calcium production |
183. Chlorinators |
Managers and specialists |
184. Foremen /senior foremen/ |
Treatment and processing of non-ferrous and precious metals |
Workers |
185. Metal pouring men |
186. Metal moulders-collectors engaged in casting |
187. Founders of non-ferrous metals |
188. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in hot site works |
189. Refractory men engaged in hot works |
190. Furnace tenders |
191. Casters of non-ferrous metals and alloys |
192. Metal cutters with scissors and presses engaged in cutting hot metal |
193. Cutters with saw and hand saw engaged in cutting hot metal |
194. Sling operators engaged in hot site works |
195. Furnace chargers engaged near furnaces |
Managers and specialists |
196. Foremen, senior foremen |
Workers producing and processing silver nitrate, refining and chemically pure precious metals |
Workers |
197. Instrument control men in producing precious metals |
198. Instrument control men in producing hard alloys and hard melting metals |
199. Operators of grinding mills |
200. Operators servicing fume dedusting plants |
201. Glowing workers of non-ferrous metals |
202. Furnace tenders |
203. Workers engaged in production of silver nitrate and chemically pure, precious metals |
204. Drying operators |
205. Heat treatment operators |
206. Heat treatment operators of high-frequency heating plants |
207. Furnace chargers |
208. Electrolysers of aqueous solutions |
Managers and specialists |
209. Foremen, senior foremen |
Workers of rolling-mills |
Workers |
210. Cold metal rollers engaged in lead rolling |
211. Smelters of technological furnaces |
212. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in hot site works |
213. Boilmakers of non-ferrous metals |
214. Glowing workers of non-ferrous metals |
215. Operators of metal spraying of items |
216. Straighteners of machines engaged in hot metal straightening |
217. Pressers on hydropresses engaged in pressing lead |
218. Hot metal rolling mill operators |
219. Hot metal cutters |
220. Metal cutters with scissors and presses engaged in cutting hot metal and lead |
221. Cutters with saws, handsaws and mills engaged in cutting hot metal and lead |
222. Cutters of cold metal engaged in cutting lead |
223. Sling operators engaged in hot site works |
224. Product cleaners engaged in cleaning metals with metal brushes |
Managers and specialists |
225. Foremen, senior foremen while directing the workers provided for in this sub-section |
Workers of pipe pressing, pressing and drawing production |
Workers |
226. Wiredrawers of non-ferrous metals engaged in hot drawing |
227. Rollers engaged in flaring hot pipes |
228. Smelters of technological furnaces |
229. Boilmakers of non-ferrous metals |
230. Glowing workers of non-ferrous metals |
231. Pressers on hydropresses |
232. Profilers |
233. Rolling-mill operators engaged in hot rolling |
Managers and specialists |
234. Foremen, senior foremen while directing the workers provided for in this sub-section |
Workers producing zinc powder and zinc oxide |
Workers |
235. Operators of shifting plants |
236. Pilers and packers engaged in packaging of zinc powder and zinc oxide |
Managers and specialists |
237. Foremen, senior foremen while directing the workers provided for in this sub-section |
Workers producing hard alloys and hard melting metals |
Workers |
238. Instrument control men in production of metal powder engaged in sieving |
239. Instrument control men in production of hard alloys and hard melting metals engaged in production of tungsten, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, nickel and sodium sulphide salts |
240. Instrument control men and hydrometallurgists engaged in production of tungsten, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, nickel and sodium sulphide salts |
241. Instrument control men of preparing artificial scheelite |
242. Instrument control men of molybdenum waste acidification |
243. Instrument control men of recovery furnaces engaged in cobalt recovery |
244. Wiredrawers of non-ferrous metals engaged in hot drawing /rough drawing/ |
245. Smiths on hammers and presses |
246. Smith-stampers on rotary machines |
247. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in hot site works |
248. Operators of grinding mills |
249. Operators of shifting plants |
250. Kiln workers |
251. Furnace tenders |
252. Electron-beam melting furnace tenders |
253. Hard alloy pressers engaged in hot pressing |
254. Glowing workers |
255. Hot metal rollers |
256. Impregnators |
257. Powder sifters on mechanical sieves |
258. Welders of hard melting metal items |
259. Welders of hard alloy items |
260. Drying operators engaged in drying of powder mixtures |
261. Electrolysers of aqueous solutions |
262. Electrolysers of melted salts |
IX. Metal Working
Employees of foundry production |
Workers |
1. Cupola furnacemen |
2. Mould displacers |
3. Gas workers engaged in gas economy |
4. Gas cutters performing cutting works of heads and tapholes |
5. Smelters of high-furnaces |
6. Persons pouring furnace charge into cupola installation and furnace |
7. Metal pouring men |
8. Ladlemen |
9. Smelters of technological furnaces engaged near melting furnaces |
10. Vacuum, centrifugal-vacuum, and centrifugal founders engaged near centrifugal machines |
11. Founders of metals and alloys |
12. Founders working on press moulding machines |
13. Operators of pouring machines |
14. Stirring operators |
15. Assemblers of stoppers |
16. Metal waste glowing workers |
17. Cutters engaged in emery and manual /with hammers, cutters, pneumatic tools/cast processing |
18. Refractory men engaged in repairing ladles and furnaces in hot state |
19. Shaped casting sawers engaged in emery applying works |
20. Dusting moulds and metals with powdered sulfur |
21. Furnace tenders engaged in servicing of tuyere |
22. Furnace tenders of metal and alloys |
23. Preparers of steel pouring grooves |
24. Workers engaged in spraying moulds with fluoride additive solutions |
25. Steel casters |
26. Formulators of fluoride additives |
27. Steelworkers of all names and the workers helping them except for vacuum furnace steelworkers and the workers helping them |
28. Coremakers of machine moulding engaged in making core in heated harness |
29. Heat treatment operators engaged in manual loading and unloading of hot metal |
30. Transport workers in casting production engaged in hot site works |
31. Cleaners in casting workshops engaged in collecting used earth and hot slag in bunkers /tunnels/ |
32. Hand moulders involved in casting |
33. Chlorinators, engaged in implementation of chlorination process of melted metal |
34. Cleaners of metal, castings, items and parts engaged in manual processing of cast in rooms and in gas masks |
35. Slagmakers engaged in servicing smelting furnaces |
36. Electric gas cutters engaged in correcting defects of casts in hot state |
Managers and specialists |
37. Foremen, senior foremen of casting production sites of melting, filling/emptying, metal mould pouring, cast heat treatment and cutting departments |
Employees of press forging |
Workers |
38. Bandagists engaged in hot works |
39. Ship benders engaged in hot site works |
40. Tug pilers engaged in turning hot metal in heating furnaces |
41. Blacksmiths working with hammers and presses |
42. Manual bending blacksmiths |
43. Blacksmith-stampers |
44. Blacksmith-stampers working on rotary machines |
45. Operators working with hammers, presses and manipulators |
46. Metal heaters /welders/ |
47. Adjusters of equipment and units in heat treatment engaged in heat furnaces |
48. Processors of metal surface defects working in hot site works |
49. Metal oven loaders |
50. Pressers on hot stamps |
51. Rollers engaged in hot works |
52. Springers engaged in processing hot metals |
53. Sling operators engaged in catching hot metals |
54. Transport workers engaged in transporting /providing, removing/ hot metals |
Managers and specialists |
55. Foremen, senior foremen of hammer /forge/, press and heat departments, forging press production supports and sites, as well as hot sites of spring production |
Employees carrying out heat treatment |
Workers |
56. Glowing workers engaged in manual loading and unloading of hot metal near furnaces |
57. Metal heaters /welders/ |
58. Cyanide solutions neutralisers engaged in neutralisation of cyanide container and cyanide waste |
59. Heat treatment operators constantly engaged in hot works near furnaces |
60. Heat treatment operators working in cyan, lead baths and molten salt baths |
61. Cleaners engaged in cleaning the baths of cyanide and lead |
Managers and specialists |
62. Foremen, senior foremen of heating furnaces, glowing, annealing, cementing, etching and heat treatment sites |
Employees of abradant production |
Workers |
63. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in abradant melting sites |
64. Furnace tenders of abradants |
65. Furnace tenders of silicon carbide |
66. Electrode makers engaged in furnaces |
Managers and specialists |
67. Foremen engaged in melting sites of abradants |
Other specialties in metalworking |
Workers |
68. Rollers engaged in bending hot metal in boiler house and shipbuilding works |
69. Gas cutters engaged in plasma-arc cutting of metal in hot state |
70. Ship gummers engaged in interior works on submarine units during construction and repair |
71. Pouring men of lead-tin alloys |
72. Painters working in closed rooms, ship compartments, reservoirs |
73. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in hot site works |
74. Coppersmiths constantly engaged in tinning and soldering with lead-containing solders |
75. Metal sprayers working in closed rooms and reservoirs |
76. Edge cutters performing work inside and outside machines by heating metal and applying a hand-held air-arc trimming |
77. Hot form galvanisers |
78. Furnace tenders of metals and alloys engaged in melting babbit and other alloys containing lead |
79. Ship cutters engaged in melting propellers made of titanium alloys |
80. Sling operators engaged in hot site works |
Manual welding electric welders /electric gas welders/ performing electric welding of items by heating |
82. Enameller engaged in enamelling of hot cast iron equipment and products of large dimensions (with a capacity of 0.4 square meters and more) by dusting with manual vibrosieves. |
X. Chemical Production
Employees at a Liquid Chlorine Tankhouse at Production of Chlorine
1. Liquid chlorine cylinders pouring man |
2. Employees emptying liquid chlorine cylinders |
Employees at the acetylene dimerisation plant for production of chloroprene |
3. Head of plant |
4. Deputy head of plant |
5. Head of catalyst preparation site |
6. Shift head |
7. Absorption instrument control man |
8. Compression installation operator |
9. Instrument control man of catalyst synthesis |
10. Instrument control man of catalyst preparation |
11. Instrument control man of dimerisation |
12. Instrument control man of synthesis |
13. Sorting operator of Rashig ring |
Employees at a plant for rectification and production of chloroprene raw materials |
14. Head of plant |
15. Head of division |
16. Shift head |
17. Instrument control man of hydrochlorination |
18. Instrument control man of distillation |
19. Locksmith-restorer |
20. Worker cleaning facilities and equipment |
21. Sorting operator of Rashig ring |
Employees at a plant for obtaining chloroprene from butadiene |
22. Head of plant |
23. Deputy head of plant |
24. Head of division |
25. Shift head |
26. Instrument control man of chlorination |
27. Instrument control man of decay |
28. Instrument control man of homosorption |
29. Instrument control man of cleaning liquid ingredients |
30. Instrument control man of digestion |
31. Instrument control man of distillation |
32. Locksmith-restorer |
33. Instrument control man for raw material preparation, semi-finished products and product release |
Employees of mechanical, energy and measuring-testing equipment and automation services for chloroprene production |
34. Heads of services |
35. Foremen |
36. Crane operator |
37. Electric gas welder |
38. Locksmith-repairman |
Employees in a plant for producing commodity latexes for rubber production |
39. Head of plant |
40. Deputy head of plant |
41. Instrument control man for raw material preparation and product release |
42. Instrument control man for washing |
43. Transport worker |
44. Cleaning worker |
45. Shift foreman |
46. Instrument control man of polymerisation |
47. Worker preparing charging material |
48. Electric gas welder |
49. Locksmith-repairman |
Employees at a plant for producing comonomers for rubber production |
50. Head of plant |
51. Deputy head of plant |
52. Shift foreman |
53. Device cleaner |
54. Cleaner of Rashig ring |
55. Instrument control man of central control panel hydrochlorination |
56. Compression installations operator |
57. Instrument control man of chlorination |
58. Instrument control man of distillation |
59. Instrument control man of raw material preparation and semi-finished products release |
60. Instrument control man of hydrochlorination |
61. Operator of central control panel |
Employees at a polymerisation plant for rubber production |
62. Head of plant |
63. Deputy head of plant |
64. Technologist |
65. Head of division |
66. Head of site |
67. Locksmith-repairman for equipment cleaning |
68. Device cleaner |
69. Cleaner of sewage structures |
70. Transport operator |
71. Compression installations operator |
72. Shift foreman |
73. Instrument control man of polymerisation |
74. Instrument control man of distillation |
75. Instrument control man of saponification |
76. Instrument control man of melting colophony |
77. Instrument control man of raw material preparation and semi-finished products release |
78. Instrument control man of experimental production installations |
Employees of rubber separation plant |
79. Head of plant |
80. Deputy head of plant |
81. Shift foreman |
82. Repairman-locksmith |
83. Instrument control man for graining |
84. Instrument control man for dosing |
85. Roller of rubber mixtures |
86. Instrument control man of raw material preparation, semi-finished products and product release |
87. Instrument control man for rubber band forming |
88. Instrument control man for drying |
89. Operator of stacking machine |
90. Transport operator |
91. Cleaning worker |
Employees of mechanical, energy and measuring-testing equipment and automation services for rubber production |
92. Heads of services |
93. Foremen |
94. Locksmith-repairmen |
95. Electric and gas welders |
Employees at a plant of rubber technical goods and composition materials |
96. Locksmith-repairmen |
97. Electric and gas welders |
98. Roller of rubber mixtures |
99. Compression operator - vulcaniser |
100. Shift foremen |
101. Instrument control men |
Employees anti-corrosion site |
102. Worker ensuring acid resistence and rubber covering |
103. Roller of rubber mixtures |
104. Sandblaster |
105. Bricklayer and worker ensuring acid resistence |
Service station for water supply, heat supply, sewerage and "Blue Lake" complex |
106. Locksmith-repairmen /for prevention and degassing of industrial sewers/ |
Employees of measuring and testing equipment and automation plant |
107. Locksmith-repairmen of measuring and testing equipment and automation /mercury equipment/ |
Employer of railway transport plant |
108. Tank washer |
XI. Machine Industry
Employees of foundry production |
1. Foundry worker under the pressure |
2. Metal and alloys foundry worker |
3. Liquid cast iron pouring man |
4. Metal pouring man |
5. Metal worker-farmer |
6. Pouring man of casting models |
7. Casting machine foreman |
8. Casting machines heat treatment specialist |
9. Metal model designer |
Forge-and-press works |
10. Blacksmith of press and anvil |
11. Moulding blacksmith |
12. Bending blacksmith |
13. Liquid metal cutter |
14. Heat treatment specialist |
15. Cyanist mortar neutraliser |
16. Heat treatment specialist of lead basins |
17. Heat treatment specialist of cyanite basins |
Metal coating and enamelling |
18. Hot procedure galvaniser |
Painting works |
19. Preparer of dyes and paints |
20. Painter — in enclosed area |
XII. Production of Construction Materials
Cement production employees |
Workers |
1. Aspiration makers |
2. Loaders of well furnaces |
3. Raw material dosers engaged in cement dosing |
4. Loaders of furnaces /well/ |
5. Operators of calcinisers |
6. Operators /kiln workers/ of rotary furnaces |
7. Operators /kiln workers/ of well furnaces |
8. Operators of raw material grinding mills engaged in dry grinding |
9. Operators of coal-grinding mills |
10. Cement pouring men |
11. Operators of cement grinding mills |
12. Assistants of operators /kiln workers/ of rotary furnaces |
13. Assistants of operators /kiln workers/ of well furnaces |
14. Assistants of operators of raw material grinding mills engaged in hot grinding |
15. Assistants of operators of coal-grinding mills |
16. Assistants of operators of cement grinding mills |
17. Hot clinker transport workers |
18. Cement packers |
19. Cleaners of settling chambers |
Employees of asbestos production |
Workers |
20. Blast hole drillers |
21. Loading machine drivers engaged in manual loading of asbestos and bulk loading of asbestos, by-products and waste of concentrating factories |
22. Powder unloaders |
23. Screenmen |
24. Porters engaged in works with asbestos |
25. Crushers |
26. Laboratory workers of asbestos concentrating production engaged in testing finished products |
27. Laboratory workers of physical testing engaged in works with control devices in concentration plants /sites/ |
28. Operators of crushing-grinding-sorting mechanisms |
29. Operators of conveyors engaged in concentration factories |
30. Operators of boiler houses /smelters/ |
31. Crane operators /hoisters/ engaged in technological plants of concentration factories |
32. Operators of feeders |
33. Operators of weighing and packaging machines |
34. Operators of traction equipment and their assistants engaged in loading, transporting and storing by-products of asbestos ores concentration and wastes of concentration factories |
35. Excavator operators engaged in delivery and storage of asbestos ores concentration products and wastes of concentration factories |
36. Sorters |
37. Drying operators |
Managers and specialists |
38. Foremen, senior foremen of technological plants of concentration factories |
39. Site foremen, senior foremen of technological plants of concentration factories |
40. Shift foremen, senior foremen of technological plants of concentration factories |
Employees of production of mineral cotton |
Workers |
41. Cupola furnaceman |
42. Furnace chargers |
Employees of stone casting production |
Workers |
43. Stone cast items pouring men |
44. Stone smelters |
45. Refractory men |
46. Furnacemen |
47. Tunnel-makers |
XIII. General Professions
1. Gas cutters engaged in works inside reservoirs, tanks, cisterns and ship compartments |
2. Gas welders engaged in works inside reservoirs, tanks, cisterns and ship compartments |
3. Caisson makers-instrument control men |
4. Caisson makers-drillers |
5. Caisson makers-locksmiths |
6. Caisson makers-electricians |
7. Lead plating specialist |
8. Hot solderers and tinsmiths engaged in soldering and tins plating with solders containing lead, as well as hazardous or carcinogenic substances of class I-II |
9. Lead solderers |
10. Workers engaged in internal cleaning of reservoirs, tanks, cisterns, ship compartments and works in shotblasting chambers in scaphandres and gas masks |
11. Workers engaged in internal cleaning of reservoirs, tanks, cisterns, ship compartments from petroleum products and chemicals |
12. Workers and foremen engaged in production of equipment and items containing mercury /in works carried out directly with metallic mercury/, as well as repairing of open metal equipment and apparatus and repairing and maintenance of equipment and apparatus |
13. Employees directly engaged in works with microorganisms of 1st group, against which no effective means of prevention and treatment have been developed |
14. Etchers engaged in etching metal in solutions containing hazardous or carcinogenic substances of 1st class |
15. Cleaners of metal, castings, items and parts engaged in cleaning metal, metal items and parts with dry quartz sand |
16. Electric welders with automatic and semi-automatic machines carrying out works with semi-automatic machines inside reservoirs, tanks, cisterns, ship compartments |
17. Electric welders of manual welding engaged in works inside reservoirs, tanks, cisterns and ship compartments |
XIV. Police Service
1. Chemist-expert |
2. Servicemen of commissioned staff and warrant officers of the police troops serving on the territory of nuclear power plant area |
XV. Service in Emergency Situations
I. Rescue Works |
1. Rescuers, head of rescue forces, rescue operations in centres of chemical, biological, radiological poisoning |
2. Rescuers, head of rescue forces, non-normative works at the location of emergency situation |
II. Works Performed in Biologically Affected Centres |
1. Infectious disease physician, microbiologist, nurse for examination of biological materials for research, examination of patients, execution of medical appointments, care of affected persons |
2. Doctors, middle and junior medical staff, microbiologists, disinfectors - works in the centre of droplet infection, when the centre develops quickly, has a large scale and requires a large volume of works |
3. Doctors, middle and junior medical staff, microbiologists, disinfectors - works in centres of especially dangerous infectious diseases (plague, cholera, smallpox, botulism) |
III. Works performed in Chemically, Radiologically, Biologically Affected and Irradiated Centres |
1. Chemist-biologist, chemist-dosimetrist, chemist-radiologist, rescuers, head of rescue forces, conducting research in the centre affected by small (moderate) chemical, biological and radiation doses, site deactivation, degassing, sampling |
2. Chemist-biologist, chemist-dosimetrist, chemist-radiologist, conducting research in the centre affected by medium (especially dangerous) chemical, biological and radiation doses, site deactivation, degassing, sampling |
3. Chemist-biologist, chemist-dosimetrist, chemist-radiologist, conducting research in the centre affected by huge (mortiferous) chemical, biological and radiation doses, site deactivation, degassing, sampling |
IV. Works Performed in Chemically, Radiologically, Biologically Affected and Irradiated Centres |
1. Head of fire-fighting, security head, squad commander, senior fire-fighter, fire-fighter, driver; works performed in the zone where radioactive aerosols are spread, installation of equipment, combat release and fire-fighting, selecting appropriate fire-fighting materials, i.e. foam and sprinkled water, for it |
2. Security head, squad commander, senior fire-fighter, fire-fighter with isolating gas masks, rescue works with protective clothing, construction and technological equipment cooling works |
3. Security head, squad commander, senior fire-fighter, fire-fighter with isolating and special gas masks, exploration of the radioactive zone with protective clothing, works performed in the zone where there are toxic gases, vapours and products of thermal decomposition of such substances, for extinguishing whereof special fire extinguishing materials are required |
V. Works Performed in High-mountain Regions |
1. Rescuers, security head of rescue forces, squad commander, senior fire-fighter, fire-fighter; rescue operations, rescue of people, evacuation of animals and material assets, providing fire hoses for extinguishing and protecting evacuation exits |
2. Rescuers, security head of rescue forces, squad commander, senior fire-fighter, fire-fighter; rescue operations, opening and demolition works of structures for eliminating combustion centres |
3. Rescuers, security head of rescue forces, squad commander , senior fire-fighter, fire-fighter; rescue operations, works of evacuation of people and animals, as well as material assets from dangerous zones of possible affection of explosive mixtures created as a result of toxic substances, gases and vapours caused by the fire of pesticides and fertilizers |
VI. Diving and Water Rescue Operations |
1. Water rescuers, diving operations |
2. Water rescuers, divers; water rescuers at a depth of 30 metres, diving operations |
3. Water rescuers, divers, water rescue, diving operations at a depth of more than 30 metres |
VII. Operations of Fire Fighting and Fire Extinguishing |
1. Head of fire extinguishing, security head, squad commander, senior fire-fighter, fire-fighter in the zone where radioactive aerosols are spread, in case of presence of explosives, fire fighting operations in chemical oil processing and petrochemical industry facilities |
2. Head of fire extinguishing, security head, squad commander, senior fire-fighter, fire-fighter; fire fighting works in warehouses of flammable, combustible liquids and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, peat mines |
3. Head of fire extinguishing, security head, squad commander, senior fire-fighter, fire-fighter; fire fighting and rescue works in railway rolling stocks, goods and wagon sorting stations, underground structures of subway |
XVI. Urban Development
1. Shot lighter-drillers |
XVII. Healthcare Institutions
1. Employees of special dangerous infectious disease prevention institutions, departments, medical epidemiologist-physicians and epidemiologist assistants of border medical and sanitary control points of the Health and Labour Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia |
2. Employees of sanitation /disinfection of infection centres/ institutions, departments |
3. Employees of institutions or hospitals or laboratories providing care and treatment for HIV/AIDS patients |
4. Employees of infectious diseases departments |
5. Employees of dermatovenerological hospitals, departments |
6. Narcological institutions |
XVIII. Cinematography
Processing of film strip |
(Annex amended by N 327-N of 19 March 2020)
Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia |
D. Sargsyan |
Published on a joint site 06.06.2024